Articles [General Reference]

It's about mutual understanding, sacrificing, bounding between the couple which make's it's more stronger to even more express your love towards your partner and make love with them more happily and stay together for long time. Now day's specially...

  The old age is an inevitable biological process and retirement from service too is a fact of life which one has to accept - however unpleasant and sad the thought might be. In India there is an elderly population of 75 million - a figure which...

Why Boddunan? Boddunan is such a wonderful site to enrich your knowledge and earn money. This is a great platform to get in touch with various people for sharing knowledge and members here are very kind to help and guide you to proceed with this...

Andrew Marvell's poems reveal a Witty delicacy, vigorous humour and union of grace and force. He is metaphysical in the sudden twist given to his ideas. "To His Coy Mistress" is his most popular poem which is characteristic of his style. The...

You talk to your friends. You talk to your parents. You talk to your teachers. You talk to so many people. God is our father. He has made us. He has given us so many things. We must talk to god for a few minutes every day. Talking to God is...

The journey of a man’s life it has shows six stages. 1) Birth-infancy (babyhood) 2) childhood and boyhood 3) youth (young man) 4) middle age 5) old age (bend body) 6) Death –life end. Most of the life, man passes as house –holder. He has got...

The difference is that everybody will reproduce some years later (say 7 years), now when these children will grow up they will also reproduce 7 yrs later making the cumulative delay of 14 years. Similarly at the birth of 4th generation the total...

India is overpopulated due to the competition between communities, religions or exploitation of women. Every citizen unfortunately wants his or her religion to be the majority. The main problem is that nobody wants to sacrifice their religion come...

How to control Indian Population I think India should make a hard and fast rule, such that no more citizen would have more than 1 child like china and instruct all the hospitals specially government hospitals to keep attention on pregnant ladies...

1) DMRC has appointed volunteers for checking the discipline and getting the commuters in line before the doors open but when the metro arrives the volunteer’s disappear casually and the commuters break the line and create a havoc for those who...

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