Articles [General Reference]

Concept of God I can make no comment on who is God because I think we can not define God but what I believe that God has no religion and I have not found a better religious person than the one who loves people not his/her religion. God exists in...

Integrating ourselves If you want to integrate yourself then you need to start from you and your society. I feel to bring some change start from your own locality check why roads are not correct or electric substation is working or not first try...

We must vote is a false propaganda.   We stand to lose nothing if we do not vote. We are not causing anarchy by not voting. Parliament is not dissolved till another parliament is elected. So there always will be a parliament.   If the...

It’s our duty for our nation Do not waste electricity. If you eat a packet of biscuits while travelling, you make it a point to throw the wrapper in a bin. If You do not find a bin nearby, You carry the wrapper home and discard it properly. You...

Liberty is a suitable term to exhibit Too difficult to express In practice it is an abstract one. So many questions – So many anxieties What’s Liberty? What do you mean by Liberty? How much is Liberty required? How far is it...

India is not only a geographic entity with all its goods and bad we move towards better future provided if this where guys can understand the importance of our country. It has more emotional value then physical one. The country's future depends...

Is dating wrong?   Dating is fun and is here to stay but marriage is a different ball game altogether. You may date and date but when you are looking for a "life partner" the rules change. Hypocrisy is a hallmark of our society. Good looking...

Tata Nano Tata Nano is the most fuel efficient and low emissions car in India. Now I am not an environment freak but apparently environment is one of the major issues of the world. The Copenhagen summit later this which will supposedly extend the...

Moral Force vs. legal force The law and order system of every society is driven by two forces- the Moral Force and the legal force. Stability is attained when these two forces are in equilibrium i.e. the laws overlap with the conscience of...

Is India a science superpower?   Comparison between how much of money is spent for buying technology and for creating technology in India would be a good indicator for the possibility of India to become a science superpower. Most of the...

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