Articles [General Reference]

    The popularity of social networking media has been gaining tremendously and now these sites are being held as great levelers. People from all walks of life are rising to the baits of a host of social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook,...

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ goes the saying. Development of the body is as important as that of the mind. Games and sports keep the body fit. They are good for the body, as knowledge is food for the mind, and religion for the soul....

The dowry system is a curse for the society. It is really a blot on our society. The evil of dowry is a deep rooted one. The system has made the condition of women in Indian society very miserable. Unless this system is abolished, Indian society...

Beggars are those who depend upon other’s charity for their livelihood. They are very common in our country. They are increasing in number endlessly. Standing at the roadside, one seldom fails to notice a beggar or two asking for alms or charity....

Well saving drinking water is very important and here are my some water saving thoughts: - Borewell water should be used for toilets whereas municipal corporation supplies should be restricted to use for drinking, bathing and cooking. - Bathtubs...

Terrorism is the use of violence by a small group of people to get its demands fulfilled. Every morning we read in the newspapers about the cruel acts of terrorism committed by terrorists. Sometimes it is a murder of a number of innocent persons,...

India is facing many serious problems nowadays, but the problem of price-rise is the most serious one. It is very common these days. The prices of essential commodities are going higher day by day. India is passing through a very hard time...

FAITH AND STRENGTH He is an ancient who does not believe in himself. The old religions said that he was an atheist who does not believe in God. The new religion say that he is an an atheist who does not believe in himself. The history of the...

The problem of unemployment is the most serious problem facing our country. A large number of educated and uneducated people loiter about in search of some job. They are willing to work but they cannot get it. There is unemployment in cities, towns...

  The Wisdom of Forgiveness - The Dalai Lama and Victor Chan In these days the Dalai Lama has become an international icon. The fact that he is the Leader of the Tibetian people, that he is the most recognizable symbol of Buddhism, is of less...

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