Articles [General Reference]

India became free on 15th August, 1947 after centuries of foreign rule. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of free India. Sixty-two years have passed since the achievement of freedom. During this period of sixty-two years the...

India faces a number of problems. The most pressing problem before our country at present is the problem of population. India’s population is growing by leaps and bounds. China is first in population in the world. Next comes India. At the time of...

Students are the future hope of a nation. They are the backbone of a country. The nation shall be as its students are today. In the words of Kothari Commission on Education, “The density of a nation is shaped in its class-room.” The students can...

National integration means the unity of the nation. It has been rightly said “United we stand but divided we fall”. A nation which is not united falls like a house of cards. India is a country where persons of different castes, colors and creeds...

The 15th of August 1947 is a red-letter day in the history of India. On this day India got her freedom after a long struggle with the English under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Besides great leaders common people also took part in freedom...

The term ‘Wild Life’ means the untamed and undomesticated animals like tigers, lions, leopards etc., living a free life in forests, valleys or hills. In other words it forms a part of animal wealth of country. Man has hunted wild animals for food,...

Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest man of his age. He was not only a great politician but also a great social and religious leader. Gandhiji believed in the fundamentals of his ancient culture. He declared that the highest form of service of the great...

Science has placed unlimited power in the hands of men. Inventions are made for the welfare of human being, but they are mostly misused. The result is that science has become our greatest enemy. Instead of increasing our happiness, it has brought...

Indian history is full of the heroic deeds of great heroes and heroines. Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi was the most remarkable personality of her age. She was a great freedom fighter. She was the first woman to sacrifice her life for the freedom of the...

The railway station is an interesting place. It presents a scene of activity. Big stations in India are always full of noise and there is activity at all times. But at the smaller stations there is rush only when the train arrives, while at other...

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