Articles [General Reference]

The cinema has a very important place in modern life. It is the cheapest and the most popular form of amusement. In every large city, there are several cinema houses. They are mostly full. Young and old, men and women, all like to enjoy a...

India is a land of problems. It has been facing a number of problems since independence. What to talk of their reduction, their number is increasing day by day. This increase in problems is a great obstacle in country’s progress. It is making all...

India is the biggest democratic country in the world. Democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. It is undoubtedly a good system of government. In a democratic state, the whole power lies in the people. They are...

The joint family system is one of the most important features of the Hindu system of society. In olden times each family was a unit of the tribe. The joint family is a family in which the father and the sons live jointly along their wives and...

Modern age is an age of science. Many discoveries and inventions have been made to make life comfortable and worth living. Electricity is one of them. It plays an important part in our daily life. It has brought great happiness and prosperity to...

Kitchen tips While kneading the dough use warm water instead of normal water and keep the dough in a wet cloth or wet tissue for some time then try making the chapattis. This really helps in getting Soft Chapattis. I refrigerate the whole garlic...

The problem of pollution has become very serious today. Man has interfered too much with nature. As a result, environment which includes air, water, soil etc. has been polluted. If environment is polluted all sorts of life – human, animal and...

Why should be Vegetarian Being vegetarian is not only good for India but for the whole world. Requirements for growing a vegetable or a grain are much less than that for any meat produces. A crop takes much less water in a season than an animal...

Why India is Great Country It looks after the welfare of its people, without any discrimination based on religion, region, caste or economic status. There is a progressive attitude, not only in a few fields like science and technology, but...

We lost our tradition Most of us have been brought up without much exposure to our glorious history and tradition. What’s sad is that some people pay utmost attention to trivial things in the name of tradition, while the true meaning and...

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