Articles [General Reference]

We are on the threshold of the 21st century. It is difficult to guess about the future. But on the basis of the progress which India is making in various fields, we can make a mental picture of the shape of India in the 21st century. We have an...

These days television has become very important and its popularity is increasing day by day. Education, information and entertainment are the three main objectives of media, particularly of electronic media. Television was invented in 1922 by a...

In the past for some time women were kept boxed up in their houses in India. Before independence though the women were very learned but they were not conscious of their career. They were supposed just to perform domestic work. Gradually their...

Science and Religion both are an inevitable part of human life. As in a living being the body and the soul cannot be separated, the same way science and religion cannot be separated from human life. Whereas science aims at rationality, religion is...

Fashion means style or manner of doing something. Fashion means something different. The manner of treating others, walking, talking, eating and dressing is fashion. A person who is fond of different style or manner is called fashionable. Fashion...

  SEVEN KIND OF GIVERS First : those who give spontaneously and generously , but only to themselves: auto-givers, they might be called. Second: those , who give thoughtlessly, without any real or high motives: gives on occasion as it...

First impression is the last impression. First impression is the best or the last impression this is what happens all the time around us and it happens because if normal human tendency of making an opinion about everyone when we first see but if...

Woman, God’s most beautiful creation on earth is a symbol of W – wisdom, O – origin, M – motherhood, E – energy and N – nectar. The combination of these qualities is the rising sum of every nation. In short everything good in this world comes from...

First of all let us know what is media? Means of communicating with people at large are called mass media. There are two types of media, Print media (Newspaper, magazine etc.) and electronic media (Radio, television etc.). Media have always been an...

An author  always looks forward to read the comments on his or her articles. After all, it is a feedback on his or her work and indicates what the reader think about his work. It is suppose to indicate the popularity of the article. I say suppose...

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