Articles [General Reference]

Hawkers are familiar figures in towns. They are seen in villages as also in towns. They pass through the streets all the time of the day. Their number in towns is greater than that in villages. They go from door to door and from lane to lane in...

Forests are the natural wealth of a country. We have been cutting trees freely for fuel-wood and other needs. As a result of it beautiful hill stations like Mussoorie, Dehradun have been robbed of their attraction. The contractor’s axe and human...

Existence of Time Change of matter is supposed to be called Time. Are we just facing actions, and we name that time. Time a self made terminology, therefore I called that we call the change in matter, Time. It is actually the actions. Are we...

Science is neither a blessing nor a curse. It is what man makes of it. Science can be the greatest of the blessing or the worst of the curses. We blame science. In fact, we should blame man. Science as a servant serves us in many ways. It is a...

Pursuit of Happiness It is relative, varies person to person, more of an illusion these days to be honest, never seen anyone just happy or absolute happy. The way I see it . it is a state of mind or yourself where you are comfortable and peaceful...

Wonderments Why is it that I am not like others? Why is that I should be like others? Are they all the same? If not, is there someone, who is like me? How is it that I am different then? Is everybody the same or is everyone different? If they are...

Culture Culture is the mutually agreed refined form of the sum total of the interaction on the entire population living together in the society. On what is considered to be good and what is considered to be bad - not as a hard and fast rule but as...

India is rightly called the country of villages. Its economy is based on agriculture. Condition of people living in villages is very poor. Gandhiji said that the real India lives in villages. India cannot make progress unless the rural areas are...

Student life is the time of learning. They need to learn different subjects. At that time a library helps them a lot. A library is a place where a large number of books are stored in many shelves. Libraries are the store-houses or treasure trove of...

Comparison of Knowledge and Money Knowledge is far more powerful than money because if you have knowledge you can earn money and lots of it in some case. But you cannot buy knowledge. You have to strive for it and learn it. Knowledge can also...

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