Well saving drinking water is very important and here are my some water saving thoughts:
- Borewell water should be used for toilets whereas municipal corporation supplies should be restricted to use for drinking, bathing and cooking.
- Bathtubs consume maximum waters so they should be completely done away with in homes as well as all the hotels.
- As far as possible shower should be avoided instead only buckets should be used for bathing.
- Rain water harvesting should be made mandatory by all the Governments in the world.
- Recycling of used water should be experimented if possible by implementing pilot water treatment plants.
- All housing societies should leave some open ground for absorption of rain water.
- Use of water in film industry for shooting rain dances and other purposes should be banned mandatorily. It has been observed that for one 'take' they use 10 tankers for creating artificial rain.
- All rivers should be interconnected so that all states can get equal water irrespective of shortfall of rains in some states.