Articles [General Reference]

The Mercedes Benz range in India is comprehensive and starts with the new C-Class sedan.This may be comparitively a small Mercedes Benz but the new C is every inch the German luxury car that made the marquee famous over the years.You can buy the...

Misplacing something is what almost all of have us have done at some point of time in our lives and in most cases the thing which is misplaced has never been that important and people do not treat it as a problem or a issue.  However if the thing...

चलो यह चेहरा, ये स्कूल और सप्ताहांत के बाद रोजगार अच्छा खोजने की कोशिश कर दिन बहुत मुश्किल है अगर आप 15, 14 या 16 साल पुराने हैं. शहर में हर दूसरे बच्चे के चारों ओर बज रहा है और सभी स्थानीय भंडार और कारोबार पर और 14-16 आयु वर्ग के लिए एक परिणाम के...

An urge to travel is an in born instinct in human beings. People like to see the wide world with its variety of languages, habits, cultures, climates and ever changeing landscape. To the intellectual type the art, culture, traditions and festivals...

Oil pollution generally means pollution caused by petroleum oil. Sources: The major oil pollution in marine environment (sea)is caused by the backage or disaster of oil tanker-ships. ’Torrey Canyon’ oil tanker carrying 1,17,000 tons of crude oil...

India is fully geared to enter the twenty-first centure under the dynamic leadership of our past prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, who had brought about a change in the attitudes and aspirations of the people with his youthfulness and result oriented...

Have you ever so found how electric accounts soar up whenever the atmospheric condition is hotter? I imagine this is quite an expected for people employ air conditioners to a greater extent while its warm. And we entirely know how energy exhausting...

well they say that tpu can travel in a plane but not in a helicopter unless u are special. Well freinds this is ny description of my first helicopter travel, in fact i was air borne for the first time and that too with a helicopter. It was not a...

Dry food is one of the main type of dog food that provides the best nutrition and extremely healthy for your dog. Dry food usually is available in small crumbs of hard food. The crumbs are normally made from one primary ingredient such as meat...

Raising a healthy and smart pet is a very important part of the training process. To create good training habits, there are aids available to the dog owner. This helps the owner and the pet to develop a good relationship that is healthy and...

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