In elementary school is becoming increasingly more attention to artistic and expressive subjects. Drama is such a profession and in this article show the essence of drama.
What exactly is drama?
Dramatic play is an imaginative design which players or spectators meaning.
From this definition we arrive at three main areas of drama:
By being open to imagination, children develop opportunities for deepening and perceive themselves to be inventive. They come from imagination to their own creations and can independently make choices from their imagination. Through training of imagination, children learn a new way to look at things.
By shaping shaping experiences give meaning to experiences children. They develop the ability to tune their message to the receiver.
By looking back on imagination can shape a different vision of reality created or they can ask questions about one's own truth. They also learn to get more open. By giving voice to create understanding that the children can independently deal with drama.
Of dramatic imagination dramatic insight
Imagining grows inside drama to dramatic imagination.
Shaping is done by the drama within drama instrument, the dramatic interplay and dramatic design.
Contemplation leads to tragedy in dramatic insight.
This creates even more drama five areas:
Dramatic Imagination
Inner images from the ability to be aware, children can recall past experiences or to imagine new worlds from which they can play.
Dramatic instrument
Through drama, children develop the expressive power: they are more skilled in expressing their imagination through verbal and nonverbal game. The instrument is available for this purpose is the body.
Dramatic ensemble
In drama, children develop teamwork: they play not only imagination, but remember what this brings to other players. They learn communication skills to play.
Dramatic Design
Through drama, children develop the ability to dramatically shape. They learn in game shape imagination image, facial expression, tone, attitude, action and movement. They learn their imagination thus be transferred to outsiders.
Dramatic insight
Children discover why a game a game action reaction. They learn to be open to different interpretations of a single moment or game show. Through these discoveries and experiences into words provides insight. With this understanding, they know self-play drama.