Articles [General Reference]

        To See The Rotation Of The Earth From The Earth         It's stunning but its true since the rotation of the Earth can be seen from the Earth itself, but the only difficulty here is we have to get on to the top of the...

When i go out of my house , the first thing that i see that is injuroius to health is pollution.Smoke comes out from the bus, smoke liberated from vehicles and car contain poisnous  substances. It is harful to human health. POLLUTION is the...

Prehistoric Art The Venus Laussel, one of the most famous palaeolithic Venus If the first subtle signs of the prehistoric art dating from the late Middle Paleolithic, it takes a real scale until the early Upper Paleolithic (-30 000 to -12 000...

Nagaland is the beautiful sate of India. Most of the people often have a wrong conception that Nagaland is not the part of India. They thought that it is some another country where we need passport ot go. Here is a small description about Nagaland...

Signs Of A Successful Person What do you think, who is the real winner in LIFE? Who is the real successful person in this world? Who can be called successful in life? A person like Bill Gates, Michael Jackson? According to me, a real...

  Hinduism is exceptional among the world religions that it has no creator or date of beginning. While most key religions originate from new thoughts taught by a charismatic leader, Hinduism is considered to be simply the religion of the people of...

Types of Communication:- Can you think of some ways to communicate with your friends? Surely, you can. You can talk to your friend or write letters to him . When you talk or write, you are using words to communicate. This is one type of...

Dream high is what that leads you towards success.A man who is pessimistic in nature never think to dream high because of his should be optimistic.Well most of us wants to join some comapny  and we also want that it should be the best...

Before getting a job ,we have to put ourself in an interv iew. For geting a good job  you need to be good in an  interview.     Some Tips how to be successful in a job interview. I am presententing article  on how to present ourself in am...

Did you ever think of the life in 80's and 90's .. It was the time when i was in my childhood.. In those days cycling was smooth like breathing fresh air.There was no helmets or pads.No one was fond of noise making motor bikes. When we were...

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