Articles [General Reference]

हिन्दी-चीनी भाई-भाई का राग अलापते हुए पीठ पीछे वार करने वाला चीन अपनी करतूतों से आज भी बाज नहीं आ रहा। इन दिनों जहां एक ओर वह बयान जारी करता है कि उसकी ओर से सीमा में कोई घुसपैठ नहीं होगी और विवादों को बातचीत के जरिये सुलझा दिया जाएगा, दूसरी ओर...

सूचना-क्रांति के इस दौर में हर क्षण बदलते वैश्विक परिदृश्य के बीच हिन्दी भाषा एक नये जोश के साथ उभर रही है। कुछ वर्ष पहले तक हिन्दी को गँवारों, जाहिलों और कम पढ़े-लिखों की भाषा माना जाता था, लेकिन वैश्वीकरण और बाजारीकरण के इस दौर में यह सोच तेजी से...

History of Art History Broadly, the history of art as it has designed the Renaissance - from Giorgio Vasari and his Lives of Famous Artists (The Fast), from the eighteenth century of Johann Joachim Winckelmann until XIX century Hegel - is the...

Here are some facts about page ranks that a webmaster should keep in mind. The sites do not have a page rank, pages have. PageRank to some level is link referral program. The page "A" ranks higher when it gets referred by another page "B", however...

Anthropology of art The anthropology of art is a social science which historically clung to study the production of plastic and pictorial human societies 'traditional', "without writing" or "primitive." Like other disciplines or within the...

Since the discovery of gold in the early 1800s and mid, the United States introduced the bracelet diamond cable market of the late 1800s. It is considered as one of the antique jewelry the most expensive and had remounted because of its...

Art History The history of art is the discipline that aims to study the works in the history and meaning they can take. It also examines the conditions created by the artists, the recognition by arts audiences, and the spiritual context,...

The themes of reflection on artArt and Nature Paul Cézanne The Card Players 1892-95 Art does not merely copy nature. However, it did not deter her, but goes back to the source. In Cézanne's painting recalls Merleau-Ponty, it is never color as a...

#Hai friends, in this article let me explain my point of view about this beautiful life. # Rich or Poor, everyperosn in this world has some unique talent and it all depends on the way he see his life and it will be a motivation factor if he loves...

1)Martial arts was first originated in India 2)For the 100000 years of history India never invaded any country 3)Indian Railways has the largest number of employees in the world 4)The largest number of post offices are present in India 5)For...

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