Articles [General Reference]

DAY: The day is going very fine till now. Its evening right here and the things went on till now was good today. So as the begin I am an Engineering degree holder looking out for jobs in and around my area. Morning I went to an organization related...

ATTITUDE NEEDED FOR A BUSINESS MAN:   Attitude is a very important thing for every individual. Attitude plays a vital role in growth of every individual.The topic we are going to discuss here is about the positive attitude for a business man and...

I often use word ‘sixth sense’ whenever I regret of doing something even though my conscience tells not to do. Everyday, I come across such situation. I think even some of you people come across such situations. Recently, when I came to know about...

‘Laughing Buddha’ has become the hot gift article in the market. Everyone would laugh at the features the Laughing Buddha has but it is not only an article for show case but it has its importance in giving happy life. Yes, according to the...

Our atmospheric air contains oxygen (21%), nitrogen (78%), carbon dioxide (0.3%), argon, neon, helium, hydrogen, ozone etc. in a fixed ratio. Air pollution is the imbalance in the quality of air so as to cause adverse effects on living organisms...

Online facilites provided by Indian railways. As per my knowledge following facilities are available on Indian Railway website to help peopl 1. Reservation of Ticket in all class. 2. You could know your reservation status by PNR Number. 3. You...

Proverbs are popular concrete sayings which have been passed on from our ancestors and which contain a lot of wisdom in them. They are “long life experiences told in one short sentence.” Some interesting proverbs are discussed below.     GOD...

  The importance of a well-rounded childhood in a person is enormous and the memories of a happy childhood remain embossed till the very last moment of life. In India the scenario is far from encouraging and the children who are our hopes and...

Girls are meant to be Beautiful and guys are meant to be Handsome. Why on earth are we debating such a thing which is not in our hands but in our eyes? It should be who carries oneself better, for where as looks are concerned, they are a creation...

Wild life includes all wild animals, birds, plants and micro-organisms in their original natural habitat. It does not include cultivated plants and domesticated animals. In a broad sense, the wild life refers to any living organism in its natural...

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