Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Introduction Conflict is a disagreement or unresolved issue between two people, two groups or even two countries. Until and unless the conflict is resolved, the issue remains unsolved. Reason for conflict to take place is some kind of disagreement...

Introduction Life is a journey and in this journey, we need to face everything that comes along our way. Our life will not be a bed of roses and thus it is pretty sure that sometimes it will be smooth, hurdle free and rest of the times, we need to...

Introduction We all become angry at some point or the other in our everyday lives. Some of us are very short tempered and create anger every now and then, even on slightest of the issues and some of us are more controlled and thus do not become...

Khalistan is a bird that was flown away. It was an ill-defined concept that could not have bone fruit in independent India but there was a time before 1946 when Khalistan or the state of Punjab could have become an independent entity. Punjab was...

Introduction We all have our favorite place and we consider it as our favorite spot because it kind of brings some contentment and comfort to us. We treat that place very differently than other places. This is because it treats us in a very...

We all know that concentration is the key to achieve success. In absence of it, success will hardly come to us. This is the reason that right from the early childhood, more stress is given on increasing the mental concentration. It is actually...

In the year 2017, one of the biggest problems faced by the people living in Imphal was regarding the solid waste management. Like in many other urban areas of India, solid waste management in Imphal consists of centralised method in which...

You may have heard about an article, tweet or some other content that had gone ‘viral’ on the internet. Almost every blogger in this world wants this. But it is not that simple to achieve. Now the real question is, what is this phenomenon called...

Introduction Happiness is within us but we keep searching it outside as we are not aware regarding its existence within us. We have rather misunderstood it with success and achievements. We feel that if we reach our goal and attain success, only...

Can you get better at your conversational skills? Absolutely. It may take some time to transform the conversational behavior that’s been entrenched all through your life, but it is achievable. To not make this longer than required let’s just skip...

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