
  • Opposition political parties including Congress called for Bharat band today against the rise in fuel prices. Do you think is it ethically correct to disrupt the normal life of a country in order to protest for an issue ? Few people were killed and many losses occurred but no one will come

  • Bharat Ke Veer is an initiative by Ministry of Home Affairs. It aims to raise funds for the families of paramilitary forces personnel who died on duty. All contributions made to this initiative will be exempted from income tax. Akshay kumar and Pullela Gopichand are the trustees for this trust.

  • Pakistan in so many ways is similar to India. Like in India we have Rahul Gandhi who has been anointed as the leader of the Congress Party by virtue of being a Nehru -Gandhi descendant, similarly, Bilawal Bhutto has also been selected as a leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party, by virtue of the

  • Can you all see this night a sky full of stars and a moon just viewing you from far behind ?. Most of you including me like sunrise before quarantine but trust me this time has it’s own magic .I made a practice of just being at terrace of my house every night in these quarantine days and refer

  • The movie Bride and Prejudice is an Indian adaptation of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice by Gurinder Chadha. The movie is often seen as a typical Indian version of a great novel transformed into a mere singing of songs around trees. However, in order to see it's beauty

  • In July 9th, Nirmala Sitharaman, our new finance minister will announce the full Budget.

    What will be the youth & common man expect from this budget?

    What will our suggestions be?

  • Can Men marry 3 women for drinking water shortage? Do you agree this concept. What they are thinking about women. Now-a-days women are playing major role in all fields. If water is really shortage means then men also can go and bring the water. Why they are particularly targeting women. It is

  • If we focus back to the good old times, we see that Parents had a say in all matters concerning their children - be it food preferences, school, college, career choice , marriage etc...Probably that depended on the times and the society as it was then. But with globalisation things have changed

  • China in Deep Trouble by Labor Strikes  

    I am an avid economical development watcher having interest not only in Indian but whatever is going on in world’s different countries. You can say I have an enthusiasm for everything related to development and even the failures of

  • China is developing a long range rocket with electromagnetic propulsion which can fly over the Himalayas and hit in central India. This is first time that China has said that it is developing rocket keeping India in mind. According to the No First Use policy of India, it can use nuclear weapons

  • Communism has not worked in most countries especially in developed countries. It is still hanging on in some developing and under developed countries . Typically communist countries have poor living conditions , no innovative ideas and pressure from all sides . You rarely get to see a happy

  • An important election has just taken place in Uttar Pradesh. This election was held for two seats to the Lok Sabha included a seat -Gorakhpur which was supposed to be a stronghold of the Bharatiya Janata Party.  In fact, the party has won the seat 7 consecutive times in a row and Gorakhpur

  • This is becoming a mess for everyone. Specially in India, covid -19 is a topic which has many meanings. for some people it's profit, for some people it's opportunity, and for some its the end of everything that exists. its a huge difficult task to be patient and wait for some miracle that will

  • My question is- do you know someone that keeps changing his stance according to situation? Ganga gaye to Gangadas and as soon as reached to the bank of Yamuna they transform into Yamunadas. Let me know please.


    Democracy is defined as for people ,by people and of people .Democracy is a situation in which the government is voted by the people and the representatives rules on the behalf of people. It is their responsibility to raise voice of  the people who have selected them and


    Theistic Satanism referred to as a religious satanism , spiritual satanism or traditional satanism are the religions group that consider Satan , devil , lucifer exist as a deity or spiritual being to

  • what is the difference between official language and national language

  • Diwali,a festival of light is a celebrated in India in season of starting winter. It is very popular Hindu festival known for lightning,fire cracking and sweet sharing festivity. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Hindus and also in other religious

  • Dear Members- Here is contest #3

    The rules are simple and ‘must follow with ‘no exceptions’ please. 

    1.Please write 1 (one) post a day starting from Monday to Sunday. (second post will be deleted if posted on
