
  • According to an estimate, every year around 14000 tonnes of sunscreen lotion gets washed into the oceans when the people who use these lotions, enter into sea for swimming or fun. The sunscreen contains various harmful chemicals which can damage the Corals reef in the ocean. Palau has become

  • Passive Euthanasia has been legalised in India in which it is legal to remove life support of Individual whi is in permanent vegetative state for very long time. Every country has different laws for Euthanasia. In India Euthanasia was legalised in March 2018 as a result of Aruna Shabaug case.

  • Pre-essential schooling is viewed as vital for the kid as it is the initial move towards entering the world of information just as a sound and intentional life. Pre-primary instruction assists youngsters with getting freer also, certain just as advancing the inside and

  • 2019 was the time of TypeScript. Not just has TypeScript become the defector decision for adding information types to JS code, numerous designers are regularly choosing for use it over vanilla JavaScript for both individual undertakings and at work. 


    In the Stack

  • Vasundhara Raje's Government has promised to give money to buy mobile phone and also for internet connection in her campaign. She even went on to waive loans up to Rs 2 Lac for backward classes and promised a scooter to eligible people in her recent campaign. Don't you think that giving such

  • The internet has increased financial and creative prosperity in a way that was unimaginable in the past.

    The internet has brought great resources, allowing not only established industries more circulation channel over a wider geographical area but it has helped individuals, through

  • In incident has happened which has brought shame on Indian railways. Yesterday when people in Amritsar were celebrating Dussehra festival , a train run over around 60 people killing all 60 and injuring many others. This incident has again opened the debate of unsafe railway lines / crossing.

  • Based on correlating multiple data sources RAINN (rape, abuse and Incest National Network ) estimates that for every 1,000 rapes, 384 are reported to police , 57 result in an arrest , 11 are referred for prosecution, 7 result in a felony conviction, and 6 result in incarceration.


  • According to United Nations Development Program, poor people in Indian have been reduced by 271 million. According to report by UNDP, in the decade between 2005-06 to 2015-16 , the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MDI) in India is halved from 54.7 % to 27.5 %. 

  • Do you think that Gandhian Principles of Non-Violence , simple living, saying truth in all situation are valid and relevant in today's world ? If anyone follows this principle today , people call him fool. Some times if you tell only truth, it will bring danger to your job in corporate sector.

  • Can you imagine that one can relate trees to a particular religion?

    The Shiv Sena has demanded that the BMC plant trees like peepal and banyan that are holy and sacred to Hindu culture across the

  • Reservation & its Misinterpretation

  • Few days back it was all Chennai in the news for water scarcity and now the news is flowing about the floods in various parts of our country like Kerela, Mumbai Etc. Where on one hand in Chennai it was costing a lot to even have water to drink; on the other hand people are dying because of

  • People in Indian private sector especially the IT sector are facing high stress levels. In past 6 months itself I read few suicide cases of people who used to work in IT sector. Actually the way people work in India is not ethical. People in India continuously try to pull other people down

  • Indian government is currently stressing for usage of e-vehicles, do you think that it is really possible to enforce strict rules for usage of e-vehicles in India? I live in Maharashtra and here still the old autos use Kerosene maybe because it gives out black awful smoke. The government could

  • Another slap on the face of society. Law is not equal for all. If you are affluent politically or financially, you can buy law.

    Rocky Yadav, the accused in cold blooded murder of Aditya, a class 12 student gets a bail. He belongs to a politically affluent family. This comes from the

  • A few days ago a Journalist was murdered in U.P., case was filed against some policemen and a minister. But now the minister is offering rs. 20 lakh and a govt. job to a family member to withdraw the case.



  • A revolution that took place in Russia during an international war i.e. World War I is called as Russian Revolution. World War I started in 1914 and ended by 1917 and during this period, in the year 1917 a revolution took place in Russia.

    What is

  • SAARC(South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) was established with aim of promoting peace and cooperation in South Asian region. As per the recent events it seems that SAARC Is loosing its significance. Nepal is showing it is bending more towards China and so is Maldives and Sri

  • what are the steps we should take during Corona pendamic before buying vegetables and how to wash vegetables before use.