
  • As a subaltern, I had the privilege of being posted in the Tamil Nadu state. To be precise, I was posted at the Air Force Station at Tambaram and the unit was Air Force flying Instructors School (AFIS). it was a baptism which I have never forgotten. To start by virtue of being a member of an

  • Teenagers in the modern world are influenced by technology and social media which hasa positive as well as a negative impact on them. With the advancement in technology, we are able to connect with people across the globe. Teenagers are at a stage where they are still developing and discovering

  • I, me and myself . That’s what the society has come down to. Everything about oneself takes overriding priority over anything else in this world. Being self centered is considered to be normal and absolutely fine today!

    The Journey from

  • According to a survey conducted by an NGO , our high courts are one of the slowest in disposing off the pending cases with Allahabad HC being the most lax, taking more than 3 years to dispose off a case and Sikkim the fastest , probably because they have fewer cases being filed.


  • Giant Size heroes of our society

    This is my first post on this site about humans, but all of them are superhuman size, larger than life, larger than all of us. Why larger than life? Because they never let others reduce their size or importance. Yes,

  • RecentlyI had been to Burma now called Myanmar. A fact that stood out was that the Burmese Army had a constitutional role in the governing of the state. I came to know that 30% of the seats in Parliament are reserved for the army and only the remaining 70% is up for grabs. This means the Army

  • We live in a society where often we are misjudged for our actions without knowing the intentions behind those actions. The root of judging is not physical but rather psychological. According to research, we often bear two questions in mind when we meet a person for the first time-first being

  • About 1.5 million engineers are released every year from various colleges throughout the country, but most of them simply do not have the required skill to be employed.The amount of students opting to become engineers is so much that engineering is easily the mass

  • The is a very old debate about the drawbacks of non-veg diet of human beings. A large amount of water is spent to raise animals to satisfy demands of non-vegetarians. Also the animals release large amount of green house gases such as methane which causes global warming. So in order to satisfy

  •  A topic which I feel people need to know. 

    So the meaning of content, is to be satisfied with who you are, what you do and all what makes you. and stagnant, means to stop, to cease at a state, where there is no growth neither, mental nor physical nor spiritual. you are stuck

  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a patch of garbage which has accumulated in Northern Pacific Ocean. The garbage consists mostly of plastic and chemical waste. This garbage patch was discovered in 1980's . A Dutch non profit organisation has decided to cleanup the ocean. They will carry along



    M F Hussain is probably one of the most well- known Modern Indian Painters , also part of the Progressive Artistes Group of Bombay. MF Hussain with all that fame and popularity, was also very humble, down to earth and an endearing person to all those who came

  • The film "Dunkirk" hit the screen last year. It was immediately hailed as a tribute to the British Soldier and a faithful representation of a true incident during World War II. The film depicts that when facing the onslaught of the German Army, evacuated from Dunkirk in the faceoff heavy

  •  Mohammad Ali Jinnah is regarded as the founder of Pakistan. It is often forgotten that Jinnah started his politics as a secularist and a leader of the Congress Party. He, however, transformed himself into a rabid communalist and coined the slogan "two Nations and two people". He said that

  • ...
  • With over 2.5 billion dynamic clients in 190 nations, Android is the most famous working framework on the planet. Since its origin, Android has filled in prevalence many years. Through its prominence in arising countries, Android has kept on growing at an incredible rate in India. The

  • Hi All

    I hope everyone of us might have traveled various places in India. While traveling we several challenges depending on the location for example while visiting Delhi one must be very careful while taking bus tickets because although they sell the tickets as Volvo most of the times

  • When the United United States election campaign commenced Donald Trump was not expected to win. Everybody including the political pundits had forecast that the winner would be Hillary Clinton. However, it did not happen that way and the Dark Horse Donald Trump stormed and won the election. He
