This is for the first time such an initiative has been taken by the government, previously Akshay kumar took up one initiative like this by initiating an app through which payment made will directly go to the Army Bank Account. Akshay Kumar & Gopichand are the good ambassadors of their field of activity & great to see them as the trustees of such a noble act.
Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!
epraneeth77 wrote:This is for the first time such an initiative has been taken by the government, previously Akshay kumar took up one initiative like this by initiating an app through which payment made will directly go to the Army Bank Account. Akshay Kumar & Gopichand are the good ambassadors of their field of activity & great to see them as the trustees of such a noble act.
Akshay Kumar does very good task for the well of our nation. But I think whatever he does is motivated by selfish interest because if he is so much devoted to India, why he has given up Indian citizenship and taken up Canadian citizenship.
Even if Akshay Kumar was motivated by a selfish reasons, he has taken lots of initiatives for social well being and needs to be appreciated. His large donations have helped many Indians.