
  • Untitled

  • Plan your work in advance

    Do you think in terms of “What I need is someone who will make me do what I can”? Maybe you did not plan you work properly in advance and that’s why you’re finding

  • A girls school in UK has banned on wearing short skirts for students. If it would have happened in India, people would have started shouting that girls have freedom to wear anything they like. Western countries started following our culture and we are still running behind western

  • Do you believe this, Umbrella forecasts when its going to rain




  • Information and broadcast ministry has issued a directive that media my refrain from using the word "Dalit" for backward classes, "Dalit" word means downtrodden or broken. They suggested that scheduled class is the better and more suitable word for backward classes. We already have huge debate


    Solitude might be relaxing and pleasing for a while, but as quoted by Aristotle, ‘Man is a social animal’ and therefore being cut off from the world is neither healthy nor agreeable. Besides the physical and material needs, our emotional needs too are fulfilled by the society.

  • Am now 59 years old, and enjoy wearing ear rings in both my ears.  I got this done on the advise of a spiritual person, as it is part of our Tamil Brahmin tradition in getting it done this way, that is, ear rings with a medium prized diamond stud and worn like the priests in

  • Prompted by a very spiritual person on the Tamil Brahmin community, that I belong to, to wear earrings in both ears, I have started wearing them for a while, It used to be the culture of those days for men above fifty years, to wear earrings in both ears, and this was particularly true of Tamil

  • Leadership is the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done. The origin of the word "Lead" is a word meaning "to go". Leadership requires interaction with others being one with 'them and perhaps coming down to their level. The leader is one

  • How many of you have an idea of voting ? Ummm !! I guess most of you...But have you ever thought about something called polling ? This time I guess a few !! My discussion today is about the consciousness of common man about the system and culture of INDIA. I am a newbie here, and therefore this

  • How did you visualize freedom?

  • Yesterday I was watching a TV serial on Epic channel. I saw that in the Eastern India states where we have forests and national parks such as Kaziranga , a group of guards have a job to protect the elephants and rhinos from being killed by humans living in neighbouring villages. Every night

  • Romance is important in almost every relationship. But here the question is why? 

  • Depression in Intermediate & College days are becoming more & more common & we are finding classes seperately for this in different colleges. What do you think is the best way to deal with depression? How can one come out of it at the earliest by own or with help? How can one be

  • What does prayer means? Why do we pray? Its just an ritual or something more. Reciting aarti at home or in temple has any purpose or we have just become habitual of doing this?

  • What if one's "only" mail-id gets hacked and all the other accounts are linked to it. What to do in such a situation...?