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13 years ago
I am not saying that they reward us with cash for the best response they give us points lets say 5 points/best response as an additional reward and it should be a duty of thread starter to select it. :)
Let us wait
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 7024]}
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I am not saying that they reward us with cash for the best response they give us points lets say 5 points/best response as an additional reward and it should be a duty of thread starter to select it. :)
Let us wait
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 7024]}
Hope they will approve this as we are not asking cash for it. :laugh:
13 years ago
I suggest not points but cash credits of 2 rs or 5 rs for 1 person in a day so that there will be encouragement to others to participate in forums.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
[quote]I suggest not points but cash credits of 2 rs or 5 rs for 1 person in a day so that there will be encouragement to others to participate in forums.[/quote]
Then Sandhya and you will bagged all.What will be to us.
Then Sandhya and you will bagged all.What will be to us.
13 years ago
I am saying the best answer so one person will get it. This should be done by admin only.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
I am saying the best answer so one person will get it. This should be done by admin only.
No Sasi, I think it should be decided by the forum initiator itself. I think, he can select the best one from first 20-25 replies.....I think, it will be more better than calculating it with time.
Sanjeev, what's your opinion?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I am saying the best answer so one person will get it. This should be done by admin only.
No Sasi, I think it should be decided by the forum initiator itself. I think, he can select the best one from first 20-25 replies.....I think, it will be more better than calculating it with time.
Sanjeev, what's your opinion?
Yes the best response should be decided by the thread initiator and he should not be biased for doing it.It should really be the best among all the posts. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
i also agree that the best response should selected by th thread initiator which can then be cross checked by the admi
13 years ago
i also agree that the best response should selected by th thread initiator which can then be cross checked by the admi
Yes, of course. I think it can be cross-checked by any moderator too. Yet, the selection should be made by the initiator itself
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
i also agree that the best response should selected by th thread initiator which can then be cross checked by the admi
Actually that would make the Initiator think again before declaring a winner of BR, that would be like give and take. There are many ways one can do it.
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