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Will the payment be transferred to bank directly from now?
Admin please clear this...
Will the payment be transferred to bank directly from now?
Admin please clear this...

You will get a mail from him if he wants to pay you directly in bank account. That will come when you have qualified for payment.

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I have submitted an article to boddunan but still i have not been reviewed. :(
I have submitted an article to boddunan but still i have not been reviewed. :(

Please give us the link. Because I can see one of your articles approved and cash credit allotted. check your dashboard/articles Thank you.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I wish the moderators here dont take advantage of their position by closng threads that they personally dont like....This is not a healthy trend for any forum ! I have seen the same moderator smiling and even joining hands when his favorite members were spamming and posting utter nonsense on this site....This kind of favoritism will not help the site at all...We should remember that we have the freedom to express our views ..I would like to know what exactly is wrong in quoting whatever is known to the entire country ?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I wish the moderators here dont take advantage of their position by closng threads that they personally dont like....This is not a healthy trend for any forum ! I have seen the same moderator smiling and even joining hands when his favorite members were spamming and posting utter nonsense on this site....This kind of favoritism will not help the site at all...We should remember that we have the freedom to express our views ..I would like to know what exactly is wrong in quoting whatever is known to the entire country ?
Moderators takes the decision at their due diligence as they supposed to. Intentional acts to misuse their power is not tolerated. However the thread you mentioned points out the mistakes that you/we/few people are believing or made to be believed but they are not proven or those people convicted in such crimes. So declaring such thoughts as facts on a public site is not advisable as they tend to legal issues. I hope you understand.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I wish the moderators here dont take advantage of their position by closng threads that they personally dont like....This is not a healthy trend for any forum ! I have seen the same moderator smiling and even joining hands when his favorite members were spamming and posting utter nonsense on this site....This kind of favoritism will not help the site at all...We should remember that we have the freedom to express our views ..I would like to know what exactly is wrong in quoting whatever is known to the entire country ?
Moderators takes the decision at their due diligence as they supposed to. Intentional acts to misuse their power is not tolerated. However the thread you mentioned points out the mistakes that you/we/few people are believing or made to be believed but they are not proven or those people convicted in such crimes. So declaring such thoughts as facts on a public site is not advisable as they tend to legal issues. I hope you understand.

It is basic rule of forum that no thread should be insulting to any one. The facts should be stated without using any undignified language. Some members repeatedly write in sarcastic language causing insult to high dignitaries and others. Honest criticism in polite language is okay but no sarcastic and abusive content. I may add that the content in Facebook for which some were sent to jail was more polite and better than that in aforesaid thread. As a matter of facts, some of the posts in the thread need drastic editing/ deletion. A moderator is duty bound to check these lest we fall in trouble one day.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I wish the moderators here dont take advantage of their position by closng threads that they personally dont like....This is not a healthy trend for any forum ! I have seen the same moderator smiling and even joining hands when his favorite members were spamming and posting utter nonsense on this site....This kind of favoritism will not help the site at all...We should remember that we have the freedom to express our views ..I would like to know what exactly is wrong in quoting whatever is known to the entire country ?
Moderators takes the decision at their due diligence as they supposed to. Intentional acts to misuse their power is not tolerated. However the thread you mentioned points out the mistakes that you/we/few people are believing or made to be believed but they are not proven or those people convicted in such crimes. So declaring such thoughts as facts on a public site is not advisable as they tend to legal issues. I hope you understand.

I will definitely bear that in mind since rules on a forum are the same for all members whether they are moderators or not.. In the meantime the said moderator can make merry closing all threads started by me although he too starts similar threads where we all respond and post our views ! I guess that is what is called equality here :huh:
By the way, the links I provided were from the net written by the media and not my own utterings and a large number of the population would have already read it so I dont see any harm in discussing what is already being discussed by almost all who have read it ...Just because a few people are Congress followers doesnt mean that no one can discuss anything that goes against them...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I wish the moderators here dont take advantage of their position by closng threads that they personally dont like....This is not a healthy trend for any forum ! I have seen the same moderator smiling and even joining hands when his favorite members were spamming and posting utter nonsense on this site....This kind of favoritism will not help the site at all...We should remember that we have the freedom to express our views ..I would like to know what exactly is wrong in quoting whatever is known to the entire country ?
Moderators takes the decision at their due diligence as they supposed to. Intentional acts to misuse their power is not tolerated. However the thread you mentioned points out the mistakes that you/we/few people are believing or made to be believed but they are not proven or those people convicted in such crimes. So declaring such thoughts as facts on a public site is not advisable as they tend to legal issues. I hope you understand.

I will definitely bear that in mind since rules on a forum are the same for all members whether they are moderators or not.. In the meantime the said moderator can make merry closing all threads started by me although he too starts similar threads where we all respond and post our views ! I guess that is what is called equality here :huh:
By the way, the links I provided were from the net written by the media and not my own utterings and a large number of the population would have already read it so I dont see any harm in discussing what is already being discussed by almost all who have read it ...Just because a few people are Congress followers doesnt mean that no one can discuss anything that goes against them...

I have edited and the links are intact. The member has referred to some of my posts. I may add that I have never used insulting language against any person- celebrity or otherwise. If I used insulting language anywhere, member may use 'report' button. I shall not feel irritated or let down by any such action. Incidentally, some times I have edited my own posts on second thoughts. There is nothing wrong in editing some posts to make these acceptable according to Boddunan norms.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Has anyone received their payment for 31/8.2013...I am yet to receive either cheque or direct money transfer until now...It has been taking far too long these days !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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