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13 years ago
For searching articles of the particular guy you can search with author name in the searching option.
Thanks sasi.. So we can found out particular user's article by searching their user name.. I need of it.. Thanks.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
I would ask all new members to go through the relevant guidelines that answer all your queries.
13 years ago
Copied article is not allowed and approved.
If there is some spelling mistake,your sentences is not in proper formatting or some grammatical problem in your article. then you must check and change it and submit again.
If there is some spelling mistake,your sentences is not in proper formatting or some grammatical problem in your article. then you must check and change it and submit again.
Be positive
13 years ago
Vaishanvi she clarifies already that she had not written 300 words that is the problem.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
In this case I am lucky so far.. My no article got the disapproval so far.. He he
I have re submitted one of my dis approved article let's see what happens to it.It was rejected because it was short less than 300 words i have edited it made it more than 300 words now. :)
13 years ago
Yes.. Its just like taking the same subject but writing it in our own words..
I think the best way to write an article is to choose a topic of your interest and read many articles and information on it. Then write your own article with the ideas you've collected from other articles and sources (like online videos,podcasts etc) and embed your views and opinions and then submit it.
I think reading an article and just rewriting it in your own words and grammar is a foul play. That's no sharing of information, it's for some quick cash otherwise one would have just shared the link of the original article.
13 years ago
This thread has lost its utility so locking it!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
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