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12 years ago
Already the politicians and bureaucrats are 'sevaks' (servants). They are public servants. The body selecting the officers for govt. is called 'Uniopn Public service commission'. Even now there is no word that would describe PM or any one else as 'master'. We the public appoint them as 'servants' through election.
What is there in name. They are what they are and will be what they are by any name. Gandhiji changed name of 'Achhuta' to 'Harijan' but this change helped nobody. Only constitutional and administrative measures could.
True- but the fact is, we select them as 'servants' but they become 'officers' with all the powers in the world on their disposal and they behave like kings.
We elect them as our 'representatives' to look after our interests but they become 'Mahamahims' to look after their own interests with public nowhere in scene.
Sir, 'mahamahim' (His excellency) are only President/ Governor. However President of India has stopped this practice for himself at functions. Not only leaders but public is also to blame for treating them as masters instead of representative or servant. There is lot of personality cult for which our psyche is responsible.
We are helpless . The quality of slave mentality deeply embedded in us, which we inherited from our erstwhile rulers. We prefer to be treated as slaves to those whom we appointed to act as our custodians.
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
Supreme court has already come up with an order that red light and siren should not be used by anyone, but I see that noone really follows it...The problem is we people who are door mats and ready to fall at their feet and they wipe their feet on us and move on...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
Supreme court has already come up with an order that red light and siren should not be used by anyone, but I see that noone really follows it...The problem is we people who are door mats and ready to fall at their feet and they wipe their feet on us and move on...
Penality for using red light is not enough to pinch any one. On first offence it is 100Rs and on second it is 300Rs. Who will care for order of court.
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
Supreme court has already come up with an order that red light and siren should not be used by anyone, but I see that noone really follows it...The problem is we people who are door mats and ready to fall at their feet and they wipe their feet on us and move on...
Penality for using red light is not enough to pinch any one. On first offence it is 100Rs and on second it is 300Rs. Who will care for order of court.
These Sevaks made the courts and court orders mere butt of laughter,
12 years ago
Prime minister can be described as Chief public servant but as this is not his designation, he can be addressed only as 'Prime minister'.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
The problem lies in undue authority they enjoy as persons dealing with people, they do not consider them as someone who is there to solve problems but enjoy the position. That's what brings them to government jobs and politics.
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
The problem lies in undue authority they enjoy as persons dealing with people, they do not consider them as someone who is there to solve problems but enjoy the position. That's what brings them to government jobs and politics.
A real Sevak will never seek power. Whatever the power needed comes from within. That's the power of his strong will to do real Seva. Our pseuodo Sevaks seek power through grabbing other's powers. Where from the power of one Baba Amte, one Sunderlal Bauguna you think comes to do Seva to the destitute and and the down trodden from ?
12 years ago
Prime minister can be described as Chief public servant but as this is not his designation, he can be addressed only as 'Prime minister'.
He is head of all the sevaks then... minister of all sevsks..
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
Supreme court has already come up with an order that red light and siren should not be used by anyone, but I see that noone really follows it...The problem is we people who are door mats and ready to fall at their feet and they wipe their feet on us and move on...
Penality for using red light is not enough to pinch any one. On first offence it is 100Rs and on second it is 300Rs. Who will care for order of court.
These Sevaks made the courts and court orders mere butt of laughter,
It can seen how seriously they take the suggestions made by the courts , nt even the highest legal authority , The Supreme Court which was trying to clean up the political system and came down on the criminalisation issue, it has been outright rejected unanimously by all...So what can we expect from this lot of politicians ? nad where was The sincere and honest voice of our PM? did he even show any inclination at all to bring it in? a person who is hailed by some as being very sincere doesnt have the guts to even speak out, so what is he doing up there ? taking the country for a ride ? He has no business sitting there when he is incapable of taking any decisions except cry when he is criticised ...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
It hardly matters. Even if they are addressed as Sevaks, red lights on their official cars, gleaming bungalows surrounded by lush green lawns, Black cat security guards, and the ever following officers and sychophants at their beck and call will be there. If a Sevak's status is this high, no Pradhan Sevak or Sevaks will mind if they are addressed as "Sevaks."
Supreme court has already come up with an order that red light and siren should not be used by anyone, but I see that noone really follows it...The problem is we people who are door mats and ready to fall at their feet and they wipe their feet on us and move on...
Penality for using red light is not enough to pinch any one. On first offence it is 100Rs and on second it is 300Rs. Who will care for order of court.
These Sevaks made the courts and court orders mere butt of laughter,
It can seen how seriously they take the suggestions made by the courts , nt even the highest legal authority , The Supreme Court which was trying to clean up the political system and came down on the criminalisation issue, it has been outright rejected unanimously by all...So what can we expect from this lot of politicians ? nad where was The sincere and honest voice of our PM? did he even show any inclination at all to bring it in? a person who is hailed by some as being very sincere doesnt have the guts to even speak out, so what is he doing up there ? taking the country for a ride ? He has no business sitting there when he is incapable of taking any decisions except cry when he is criticised ...
Crying? No how he can cry without the permission of the chief of the high command ?
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