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12 years ago
yes exactly sunilji, before ads used to come between the serial, now serial is between the ads. so no one will have much patience to watch all the advertisements
I have noticed on some channels they show films without a break or break of just 1~2 minutes and they promote their channels for it. :woohoo:
Yes I like that. I never miss good movies if they are shown on TV without any break. Some TV serials are also shown with least breaks. That's really very good.
12 years ago
So that means such channels are much concern about the viewers, that means as they won't give much breaks, so viewers will show much interest to watch that channel, so the ads which they telecast will be more valued one
This is obvious. New channels are broadcasted every year. Competition is also more. Everybody wants good TRP and profit.
12 years ago
yes exactly sunilji, before ads used to come between the serial, now serial is between the ads. so no one will have much patience to watch all the advertisements
I have noticed on some channels they show films without a break or break of just 1~2 minutes and they promote their channels for it. :woohoo:
Yes I like that. I never miss good movies if they are shown on TV without any break. Some TV serials are also shown with least breaks. That's really very good.
No these days they show lots of advertisements in between which makes me bore which is the reason I am not able to get rid of this habit and often miss some good programs. :evil:
12 years ago
I guess ever since the remote control came into our hands we have been surfing channels.It is one thing to change channels when the program is boring but spending hours together doing just that watching nothing in particular is not a healthy trend esp in children since it brings down their concentration level and shows a lack of discipline which shows in their other activities and personality as well
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
I guess ever since the remote control came into our hands we have been surfing channels.It is one thing to change channels when the program is boring but spending hours together doing just that watching nothing in particular is not a healthy trend esp in children since it brings down their concentration level and shows a lack of discipline which shows in their other activities and personality as well
This habit is not only peculiar to switching on from one channel to another on T.V. channel. Many cannot concentrate on even on a particular job. I know a man who will log in yahoo for mail but even without reading a single mail will ring his family/ children and then interrupt the talk and walk outside to meet somebody. Before he reaches that somebody, he will come back to office and order tea. Before taking a sip from tea, he will search for some file. While seeing the file, he will remember somebody's birthday and send wishes to him. Thus, he cannot finish anything.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
I guess ever since the remote control came into our hands we have been surfing channels.It is one thing to change channels when the program is boring but spending hours together doing just that watching nothing in particular is not a healthy trend esp in children since it brings down their concentration level and shows a lack of discipline which shows in their other activities and personality as well
This habit is not only peculiar to switching on from one channel to another on T.V. channel. Many cannot concentrate on even on a particular job. I know a man who will log in yahoo for mail but even without reading a single mail will ring his family/ children and then interrupt the talk and walk outside to meet somebody. Before he reaches that somebody, he will come back to office and order tea. Before taking a sip from tea, he will search for some file. While seeing the file, he will remember somebody's birthday and send wishes to him. Thus, he cannot finish anything.
But sir i would call that thing as restlessness. They are just totally confused and going no where.. just doing whats comes to their mind instantly without any reason or output
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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