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13 years ago
I only keep it on mute mode when they show commercials during my favorite program other wise I do not watch TV much.
13 years ago
During advertisements, I browse other channels to inquire about their programs, but don't forget to come back on the channel however sometimes it is late. :)
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
13 years ago
That is common with most people because they can find a better program while hoping around.
12 years ago
I don't change the channel of the TV when any advertisement comes in the middle of the program which I watch.I don't like this.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
I don't change the channel of the TV when any advertisement comes in the middle of the program which I watch.I don't like this.
So you enjoy watching advertisements too. :blink:
I have seen very rare people doing this. :woohoo:
12 years ago
I don't change the channel of the TV when any advertisement comes in the middle of the program which I watch.I don't like this.
So you enjoy watching advertisements too. :blink:
I have seen very rare people doing this. :woohoo:
I do that to save the batteries of my remote. Besides some adverts are better than the program itself. :)
12 years ago
I often forget which program I am watching due to repeated commercials. Yes I too have the habit to change the channels.. :evil: :cheer:
12 years ago
I don't change the channel of the TV when any advertisement comes in the middle of the program which I watch.I don't like this.
So you enjoy watching advertisements too. :blink:
I have seen very rare people doing this. :woohoo:
I do that to save the batteries of my remote. Besides some adverts are better than the program itself. :)
Good reason. :laugh:
Better not to use remote as that way you can save your batteries more. :laugh:
12 years ago
I don't change the channel of the TV when any advertisement comes in the middle of the program which I watch.I don't like this.
So you enjoy watching advertisements too. :blink:
I have seen very rare people doing this. :woohoo:
I do that to save the batteries of my remote. Besides some adverts are better than the program itself. :)
Good reason. :laugh:
Better not to use remote as that way you can save your batteries more. :laugh:
No I have to use the remote to shut my TV in the end otherwise I shall be spending on electricity that is so rare and costly. ;)
12 years ago
You can directly switch OFF you TV directly from the switch board don't need to use remote for it. :laugh:
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