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12 years ago
Even I watch alot of channels at the same time. People who sit beside me to watch tv, they will get irritated
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
Even I watch alot of channels at the same time. People who sit beside me to watch tv, they will get irritated
Same is about me my family members always hide remote from me they know if I will get it I will start changing channels only. :laugh:
12 years ago
Even I watch alot of channels at the same time. People who sit beside me to watch tv, they will get irritated
Same is about me my family members always hide remote from me they know if I will get it I will start changing channels only. :laugh:
The fact is one cannot stay with same channel to watch more adverts than the programs. They are having long sessions of ads too frequently.
12 years ago
yes exactly sunilji, before ads used to come between the serial, now serial is between the ads. so no one will have much patience to watch all the advertisements
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
yes exactly sunilji, before ads used to come between the serial, now serial is between the ads. so no one will have much patience to watch all the advertisements
I have noticed on some channels they show films without a break or break of just 1~2 minutes and they promote their channels for it. :woohoo:
12 years ago
So that means such channels are much concern about the viewers, that means as they won't give much breaks, so viewers will show much interest to watch that channel, so the ads which they telecast will be more valued one
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
Now a days Ads have become more popular. Popularity is increased. Yes, many ads are shown in between the serials.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
So that means such channels are much concern about the viewers, that means as they won't give much breaks, so viewers will show much interest to watch that channel, so the ads which they telecast will be more valued one
Exactly they know if they show more ads people will go away from that channel that's the reason they try to keep the viewers on that channel only, :blink:
12 years ago
TV advertisement help us to know about various products.But when it comes in between any program I really get angry.But still I never jumped to other channel.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
We also don't see TV at home.But recently started to see SATYMEV JOYATE.
Can you tell me please what was the previous episode about??? I missed it :evil:
i have written an article and approved and also published.Check there-A true protest.
I don't think these replies are connected with the topic. It is away from discussion.
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