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13 years ago
What happens just happens. This is neither good nor bad. The same very has multiple affects- good in some respects bad in others. also good to some, bad to others. an optimist will always look for better affects and ignore the bad affects. So, he may say that what happens happens for the good.
It's told in Bhagavath Gita.
It's just to comfort people and forget all bad happenings...
Actually, both events can occur in a person's life simultaneously, without even predicted.
If we stick on one thing which we have already lost, we will never be able to achieve anything in future. We will become demotivated and finally deserted. We need to do task which will develop our life.
13 years ago
Friends I would say forget past and move forward to achieve your goal. Do something productive and wise. Automatically whatever will happen, will be for our benefits.
13 years ago
As ShriKrishna said in BhagwatGita- You should do whatever has been assigned to you. You should not expect the result immediately because that is yours without asking for it.
13 years ago
Yes what happens to us is for our good. But we must take it as positive manner.
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13 years ago
I Think it is geetha upadesham. It is in Bhagvatgita
13 years ago
Yes what happens to us is for our good. But we must take it as positive manner.
But there are some facts you have no control on them and you cant do any thing about them but remain positive.
13 years ago
Just make a habit of remain positive and Confidence in our life and face any thing that happen with you without thinking it is wrong or good for you...........
13 years ago
Do you think that would be a good reason to feel whatever happens- happens for good? I am not sure.
13 years ago
In some cases it is good in some cases it may be bad too
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
In some cases it is good in some cases it may be bad too
True but it happens for good is to make our self satisfied only.
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