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what god has written in our luck we should accept and in whatever conditions he keeps us we should face them and this will make us more strong.
what god has written in our luck we should accept and in whatever conditions he keeps us we should face them and this will make us more strong.

true...always remember that everything is for good...whatever happens and whatever is going to happen....everything will be for our good.
It totally depends on a person, how that person takes every situation that occurs in his/her life.
But, in my view, i completely agree with the subject of this post. :)
it may not stand true in all situations but i believe that when you look back at your life, retrospect it and you will know most of the events that happened , happened for your good. but important condition is faith on god.
This cant be applied in all cases. but most of the cases it is true if we have faith in God.But we should lead our life by believing that whatever happens will happens for good

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Yes this is true wheter it is good or bad it is for our sake.

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Since there is nothing you can do in case some thing has already happened, then this is best to let it go.

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Whatever happens to us, is only because of us. That is because, we have attracted those things to us.
Whether it is bad or good. We have attracted these things.

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All things are never happen good for a human being......People say it because they believe that by saying he or she give relief to our heart that every thing going to be good...............
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