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11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
Even now they are in vogue in many schools.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
Even now they are in vogue in many schools.
They discuss only how to get more marks in such meetings.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
Even now they are in vogue in many schools.
They discuss only how to get more marks in such meetings.
I regularly attend them as an invitee and I know what they discuss.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
If the parents want to socialize in Parent-Teacher meet, no one can help such parents.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
That is all the more reason growing children should be taught aspects of good parenthood in schools at a receptive age- they will carry it with them for a life time. You are right parent teacher meetings are for socialization and complaints if child is getting low marks.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
That is all the more reason growing children should be taught aspects of good parenthood in schools at a receptive age- they will carry it with them for a life time. You are right parent teacher meetings are for socialization and complaints if child is getting low marks.
Not only for low marks. But about the learning deficiencies and other abnormal behavioral patterns of the child.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
@ Rambabu - If the parents want to socialize in Parent-Teacher meet, no one can help such parents.
That is all the more reason growing children should be taught aspects of good parenthood in schools at a receptive age- they will carry it with them for a life time. You are right parent teacher meetings are for socialization and complaints if child is getting low marks.
First of all Parents need counselling , honestly some of the things they come up is simply shocking ! In my own school one father had advised the teacher taking care of Lower KG children (all below 4 years ) to shut his son in the bathroom if he is difficult to handle. Thankfully the teacher had the sense to report this to the head master. But when the head master spke to him , he felt what he said was right and he openly admitted that he whipped the poor child and also locked him up in his house when he was naughty. It is heart breaking when parents are so cruel, why do they have children at all ?
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
@ Rambabu - If the parents want to socialize in Parent-Teacher meet, no one can help such parents.
That is all the more reason growing children should be taught aspects of good parenthood in schools at a receptive age- they will carry it with them for a life time. You are right parent teacher meetings are for socialization and complaints if child is getting low marks.
First of all Parents need counselling , honestly some of the things they come up is simply shocking ! In my own school one father had advised the teacher taking care of Lower KG children (all below 4 years ) to shut his son in the bathroom if he is difficult to handle. Thankfully the teacher had the sense to report this to the head master. But when the head master spke to him , he felt what he said was right and he openly admitted that he whipped the poor child and also locked him up in his house when he was naughty. It is heart breaking when parents are so cruel, why do they have children at all ?
True. And they call themselves as parents. Such parents are a blotch on the face of Parenthood.
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