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11 years ago
Basically what it boils down to is , the necessity for parents to be prepared and accept responsibility when they decide to have children which is most often not the case in India or even in other parts of the world,Whereas in the western countries they have realised the need for a system where the young would be parents need to be prepared to accept responsibility so they are required to attend pre natal classes etc lo learn how to handle a child not just its physical needs but emotional as well, whereas, we have none of these even in hi fi private hospitals...So we really have the need for counsellors in schools and colleges so that the students get help when they need it...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
Basically what it boils down to is , the necessity for parents to be prepared and accept responsibility when they decide to have children which is most often not the case in India or even in other parts of the world,Whereas in the western countries they have realised the need for a system where the young would be parents need to be prepared to accept responsibility so they are required to attend pre natal classes etc lo learn how to handle a child not just its physical needs but emotional as well, whereas, we have none of these even in hi fi private hospitals...So we really have the need for counsellors in schools and colleges so that the students get help when they need it...
Attending the pre natal classes by the would be parents is an excellent system which imparts an insight in to the needs of a child's physical and emotional needs. this makes the parents' job easier. We need such system in our own corporate hospitals.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
With the advent of corporate school culture, education has become nothing but a lucrative trade. We have been seeing the ways adopted by these schools which are mere empty assurances. In this background I lost faith in the term “Counseling”.
Instead, Parents should learn to peep into the child’s behioural patterns and deal accordingly. A daunting task indeed. But that’s what parenting is. I for one avoid counseling and keep it at a bay.
That is the case with many schools, especially the new-age tech-savvy, glamorous schools with exorbitant fees. Yet there still are many schools who are genuinely concerned about teaching children the right values. The same can be said about counselors. For educated and conscientious parents like you who read a lot and generally keep yourself updated about what goes on in life, it is not at all a problem. But there are still many uneducated parents who need to be shown the correct way of dealing with children, for such counselors are truly needed. Even many parents have a negative approach when they are asked to see a counselor, but for those who do approach them with an open mind, the results are indeed positive and consistent![/quote
I'm in full agreement with your view. The point i want to drive home is. after parents, Teacher is the person who is close to the student. Where the parents fail, Teacher grasps the strengths and weaknesses of the student. That's why, as Usha mentioned elsewhere in this discussion that a continuous and constant communication between the parents and the teachers would go a long way. As an effective alternative to councilling, i prefer constant interaction between the parents and the teachers. This practice is still there in some schools where these aspects are discussed in the Parent - Teacher Meets.
Ideally that should be the general practice and in some schools, it is followed. But what I see is that the teachers have to teach a crowd of 70-80 students in one class and the same number in other classes. Along with it there are books to be checked, papers marked, projects assigned and provide guidance, other paperwork etc. which leaves no room for much interaction with students, leave alone give personal attention. This friday I attended an orientation programme for parents at my son's school, who is now in first standard. We were told that an extra teacher was joining this year ONLY to help check their notebooks, precisely 500 to be checked each week and my son's class only has 55 students. Imagine the situation in other schools where 80 students to 1 teacher is the general norm.
Now so far as parents are concerned, they too are not any different from teachers, they are busy with their own careers, meetings, friends etc. Who has any time to chitchat with their kids' parents? During our monthly meetings in my son's school, more than 60% parents are in a hurry to simply sign the register and push off to work. They hardly have any time to speak with the teacher! :dry: :huh:
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
11 years ago
Comparing kids or even senior persons are not healthy at all, it gives rise to jealousy and anonymity among near and dear ones.
11 years ago
Comparison with other children will be a big blow on the self esteem of the growing child. It goes without saying the child's growth in positive direction takes a big blow and the child becomes a cynic.
11 years ago
Basically what it boils down to is , the necessity for parents to be prepared and accept responsibility when they decide to have children which is most often not the case in India or even in other parts of the world,Whereas in the western countries they have realised the need for a system where the young would be parents need to be prepared to accept responsibility so they are required to attend pre natal classes etc lo learn how to handle a child not just its physical needs but emotional as well, whereas, we have none of these even in hi fi private hospitals...So we really have the need for counsellors in schools and colleges so that the students get help when they need it...
Attending the pre natal classes by the would be parents is an excellent system which imparts an insight in to the needs of a child's physical and emotional needs. this makes the parents' job easier. We need such system in our own corporate hospitals.
In fact it is needed everywhere and within easy reach of all classes of people. I feel that in the lower and poorer sections the need is much more since most of them have children without giving any thoughts about its future or whether they are able to give it a secure future.
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
Basically what it boils down to is , the necessity for parents to be prepared and accept responsibility when they decide to have children which is most often not the case in India or even in other parts of the world,Whereas in the western countries they have realised the need for a system where the young would be parents need to be prepared to accept responsibility so they are required to attend pre natal classes etc lo learn how to handle a child not just its physical needs but emotional as well, whereas, we have none of these even in hi fi private hospitals...So we really have the need for counsellors in schools and colleges so that the students get help when they need it...
Attending the pre natal classes by the would be parents is an excellent system which imparts an insight in to the needs of a child's physical and emotional needs. this makes the parents' job easier. We need such system in our own corporate hospitals.
In fact it is needed everywhere and within easy reach of all classes of people. I feel that in the lower and poorer sections the need is much more since most of them have children without giving any thoughts about its future or whether they are able to give it a secure future.
Yes, it's the lower strata of the society that needs most Pre natal classes . To this extent, awareness programmes should be taken up both by the voluntary organizations and the government. In AP, a voluntary organization comprising of all women organize street plays in the interior villages.
11 years ago
Its never a good idea to compare one kid with the other. Every kid has its own qualities and interests. Instead of comparing them with others, parents should try to motivate their kids to pursue their own interests.
11 years ago
Its never a good idea to compare one kid with the other. Every kid has its own qualities and interests. Instead of comparing them with others, parents should try to motivate their kids to pursue their own interests.
Before anything else, its the responsibility of the parents to observe the innate traits of the child and see that an atmosphere is created in the house so that the innate traits in the child unravel in a natural way.
11 years ago
no it's not good to compare kids as everyone has different qualities I never compare my kids with others but try to improve whatever qualities they have.
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