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You are correct Jayan. If u live silent and not making that much attention from others then there wont be much problems.
I am against of this .it is going to break down our social fabric.
it all depends on ones self
The latest news is that all cases have been dropped against against Film actress Khushbu who was being prosecuted for supporting live in relations

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hmmm... don't know what to comment....

Actually coming from a very traditional family, this would be far away from my culture....
I don't accept this!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
To tell you one thing this system is very well prevalent in western countries and animals too.

But in India our value systems are very strong enough to prevent such kind of relationship which is very correct scientifically too for living a happy and satisfied life.

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We are borrowing all these things from western countries. They have culture like that.. But our culture is based on moral values. So it is not accepted.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
We may not actually support a live-in relationship, but that does not deter couples from experimenting the same! Like Gulshan pointed out in his earlier post that for women staying alone, they are looked upon with suspicion and they do not feel sure or safe due to which they start living with someone as husband and wife. also, the financial independence that more and more youngsters are getting by way of highly-paid jobs away from their towns and families, as a matter of convenience they start living together.

I have seen many couples in our industry who have a live-in relationship. Majority of these girls came from a restrictive and orthodox families. Being able to live in an open environment was like breathing fresh air and they more quickly entered such relationships.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

When a man and woman live together, we do not verify whether they have performed formal wedding ceremony. As long as they seriously and sincerely live together, there will be no problem. But there is no harm if they go through some simple ceremony. It is advisable that all men and women who intend to have relation of man and wife should go through some simple wedding ceremony for satisfaction of social norms and also get the relation registered with authorities.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A relation of this kind needs to be solemnized,formalised and legalised to meet the practical ends.

Good Night to all my friends!
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