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now the time is 11.33 pm and online users are 14.
good contest!! congrats!!
Hi the time is 12.45 am
Users are 7.. keep watching...
12:24pm yes it is 14 continuing to be in double figure. Last night it surged up to 24 once. Keep it up friends.

Harish Jharia
It is a big achievements for Boddunan members who have maintained the online visitors count in double figure.

It's gone to 15...

Harish Jharia
Now it is 16.But I still don't understand the need to make it high.If I log in morning and goes out without log off what is the effect?

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The higher online visitors count shows as to how many visitors are working on Boddunan. That is the barometer of popularity.

Harish Jharia
The more the online members at a time the better will be the revenue generated for the site. If the site earns more then the site will share a bigger amount of cash earned out of Ads.

Harish Jharia
Now the time is 4.25 PM and the count is 17.
Now it is 5:34 and the online visitors are 12...

We continue to maintain double figure it's a success.

Harish Jharia
At 5:44pm the online visitors' count is 23... Very impressive traffic.

It seems that the visitors go offline if thy have dial up connection.

Harish Jharia
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