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What was thought to be an aberration in the earlier years has formed to be a pattern in the later years!
Ronark,What you say is very true.I myself could feel the climatic changes in cities like Chennai,Hyderabad and Bangalore.Chennai has almost missed the rainy season.12 months full of hot and dry weather in Chennai. :( :(
I completely agree with Nagalakshmi...Climate is really unpredicatable in almost all the parts of India...The dry weather are to be expected in summer in hot places like rajasthan deserts but we are now seeing it even is coolest coastal regions...If i am not wrong i even heard flood in Rajasthan which shows how much have the climate changes occured in the recent times.. :( :blink: I feel that in the coming days in winter rains and hot winds will blow even at nights...similarly in summers we may face rains and cyclones.. :dry: :unsure:

The researcher have only stated some parts of asia but i think it is much advanced further to India...
It's late October now and Kolkata normally experiences pre-winter chill in the air.But it is hot and humid now!
Global Warming has become the most serious threat to all the countries in the world. :(
What was fear or an apprehension is now almost a reality !
Climate conditions are getting worse day by day....
What are we storing for our future generation?.....
I have just seen a news report on sinking water levels of the great river Amazon which is the lowest in th last 47 years!
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