According to Maplecroft, a British risk analysis firm, Asian countries are more vulerable to climate-related disasters..
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I think now a days everybody could really see and feel the climatic changes happening around us.The Chennai hot weather is really killing us. :( .No sign of rain at all.
This year almost every one of us has observed some kind of climatic aberration or the other in different parts of the country.
Yes, even Indian cities are experiencing climatic changes but in the research it was stated that Pakistan, Bangladesh will be most effected... :huh:
To my mind it's not only Asia,the threat is a to the global climate!There is hardly any part which has not been affected by environmental degradation and it has to be tackled as such!
The vulnerability of India is attributable to high population according to the study. Thus the report underlines the importance of family planning in India.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes this year we have seen major climatic changes....
In Mumbai too the climate has changed so badly, this time around there are no signs of rain in the city and its raining...
Our growing population is one of the contributory factors behind environmental degradation and consequent ecological disaster!
Instead of conducting seminars and conferences we as a individual should think of some ways to get away the negative impact of climatic changes.

Conservation of fuel,electricity are some suggestions that can be followed. :)
Some efforts are already visible in this regard.But need more dedicated efforts to involve common people in all our initiatives!
This time the situation was even worse than the previous year.
The effect was more adverse than previous year.
I believe that more changes will come in coming year.

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