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It is strange that a girl was kidnapped for conversion to Islam. This is not worse than kidnapping for rape as happens so often in India. However, kidnapping for any purpose is heinous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Even if a Muslim does not practice his religious customs another can't compel him according to the teaching of Islam.Then how one can be forcefully converted?

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]Even if a Muslim does not practice his religious customs another can't compel him according to the teaching of Islam.Then how one can be forcefully converted?[/quote]

Nobody can be forced to convert to any religion. If somebody is converted by force, the changeover will not be sincere. Thus forcible conversion is meaningless. However, all have the genuine right to preach their religion and there is nothing wrong in forcible conversion.

secondly, religion is not only as matter of faith in God and philosophical thoughts. Religion also creates community with distinct rituals and inheritance/ marriage laws and traditions. This is not desirable to shift from one community to another. One may follow the principles of any religion while remaining in his own community. I belong to Hindu community. While remaining a Hindu, I can definitely appreciate and follow the principles of universal brotherhood and humanity and opposition to unearned income like interest. Similarly, I may appreciate the christian principle - Do to others as you would be done by. There are some good points in all religions and all may follow these without converting to another religious community.

There may be circumstances when conversion is necessary. If a community is too small, it may be necessary to convert to the dominant community.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But I think it all the more necessary that the would-be convert consents to such conversion.
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