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I totally agree Vijay. People are blind and the Gurus take full advantage of peoples' blind faith. The Babas are not so much to blame. Their devotees deserve the worst- Nothing surprising.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You are right Gulshan... People should have the state of mind to judge what is good and what is not.
But some do have a week mind and due to their personal problems; they would be in the traps of these people.

I do want to suggest a method for this.
There are many many such organisations present and are evolving daily like mushrooms. So, government should handle this situation. A separate association should be formed and they should approve the standards of these institutions before hand.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
ya totally agree with deepti..

Government should have to form one body which will have their eyes on such falsing that people can fall to them
Yes Vijay....

A special organisation should be present. Or else, Government can take the help of some "Voluntary Help Organisations" and can hand-over this duty.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Most ladies are exploited by these God men.They think "it" is essential as the man is equal to "GOD" and do not oppose.When will these society get a common sense?

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Previously in old times gurus were first illtreated and later they become a popular godman like sai baba.. But in todays worlds people even after repeated cases of sex scandals aganist gurus are going to them ....with same intention...but it is KALI Yug and no one is true guru in the YUG..beleiving them is just a stupid thing ..
Hahaha, the Guru's are all getting caught, its not yoga guru, its someother Guru..
Hahaha, the Guru's are all getting caught, its not yoga guru, its someother Guru..
its bad to hear but its not true.
There is no need for a regulating body for such babas. They are doing no useful work. Mere preaching, yogic sermons and practices, tantrik activities are not genuine at all. I do not understand what sort of regulating is needed for these. We need only to develop proper education and scientific attitude.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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