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On the similar lines, I sincerely hope that Salman Khan and all others who endorse Pepsi, Coca-Cola etc. should be pulled up because these products too are equally or even more harmful than Maggie is. Also, the most important concern should be the damage these soft drink giants are causing to our country by depleting natural sources of water. Many places have literally dried up for the first time in years because of deep underground borewells these giants have put into ground to take up water. How about that?

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It would be good if these giants are also booked. There are many other products which are injurious to health. If nothing is happened, it means lot of 'Under the table" transactions might have taken place.

In fact there are many objectionable endorsements that the stars and celebrities take up just to make money.Apparently they earn in crores for these and for a few days work to get it shot. They have never been known for their social responsibility except a few , who have stayed away from such things. On the whole this is a good step and if implemented it will have far reaching implications with regard to the quality of the product. I sincerely hope that if proved negative the stars too get what they deserve for irresponsibly endorsng products without a care in the world as long as their pockets are full

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

As long as Strict implementation against these irresponsible endorsements  by these so called celebrities who have nothing to do with the product which they are endorsing is not there, these endorsements go on unabated.

I think three celebrity is landing themselves in trouble and it should be lessons for celebrities to en-dross brands consciously.

Yes. Madhuri, Amitabh and Priety Zinta. May be that many more will come up in due course directly or indirectly linked with the Maggie endorsements.

In the first place, the people are to blame for relying on what fim actors sponsor.  Thease actors are just actors and their role is to just to act as directed and deliver dialogue as per script.  They are not health experts nor dieticians.  They have only entertainment value and no more. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

In the first place, the people are to blame for relying on what fim actors sponsor.  Thease actors are just actors and their role is to just to act as directed and deliver dialogue as per script.  They are not health experts nor dieticians.  They have only entertainment value and no more. 


Exactly sir.  The fact that people are gullible is well known to all the product manufacturers. Maggie is no exception. It too utilized the weakness of the people.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

By including celebrity in these cases, the concerned court has started a new development and now in future, such celebrities would make double sure before endorsing any such branded products. Stars need to quiz these brands before becoming brand ambassador.

Every product maker uses this strategy of using celebrity endorsement to gain popularity.

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