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11 years ago
No surprises there! The government is out to sell the country so who cares two hoots about security of any one??? I think this will the perfect feather in the hat of corruption of the UPA! :blink: :blink:
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
Is there no end to the scams ? looks like Manmohan Singh Government had a ball when he looked away and stayed mum...Anything can be expected from this present government and no one is surprised now ... I guess they are beyond shame now !
I hope you have big ones, which came into limelight in mind, but if you were to mention all the scams, a whole book of 500 pages would not be enough.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
Yesterday on a newshour discussion a retd naval chief was saying how Anthony sat on a request for new batteries for submarines which cost a few thousand rupees or at the most a couple of lakh rupees while signing on for the helicopter deal with an Italian firm which even USA found too expensive in a hurry.....I guess we all know the reason for this and can imagine what must have found its way into the Swiss acounts of the people concerned ! UPA and scam have become synonymous now..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
Is there no end to the scams ? looks like Manmohan Singh Government had a ball when he looked away and stayed mum...Anything can be expected from this present government and no one is surprised now ... I guess they are beyond shame now !
I hope you have big ones, which came into limelight in mind, but if you were to mention all the scams, a whole book of 500 pages would not be enough.
For an oldest party, allotting mere 500 pages is an insult. I request you Sir Sunil to consider more pages for the country's sake.
11 years ago
Is there no end to the scams ? looks like Manmohan Singh Government had a ball when he looked away and stayed mum...Anything can be expected from this present government and no one is surprised now ... I guess they are beyond shame now !
I hope you have big ones, which came into limelight in mind, but if you were to mention all the scams, a whole book of 500 pages would not be enough.
For an oldest party, allotting mere 500 pages is an insult. I request you Sir Sunil to consider more pages for the country's sake.
Sorry, your request cannot be granted, they have not left enough funds to be allotted for this book. So, manage with 500 pages, you can use smaller font to utilize the space available in a better way.
11 years ago
Is there no end to the scams ? looks like Manmohan Singh Government had a ball when he looked away and stayed mum...Anything can be expected from this present government and no one is surprised now ... I guess they are beyond shame now !
I hope you have big ones, which came into limelight in mind, but if you were to mention all the scams, a whole book of 500 pages would not be enough.
For an oldest party, allotting mere 500 pages is an insult. I request you Sir Sunil to consider more pages for the country's sake.
Sorry, your request cannot be granted, they have not left enough funds to be allotted for this book. So, manage with 500 pages, you can use smaller font to utilize the space available in a better way.
OK sir. You asked me to use small fonts for bigger crimes. I abide by the orders of the high command.
11 years ago
The link does not open. However, those in habit of scams cannot change. That is why we periodically change governments so that there is some improvement at least for five or ten years. This is like periodical washing of clothes.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
The link does not open. However, those in habit of scams cannot change. That is why we periodically change governments so that there is some improvement at least for five or ten years. This is like periodical washing of clothes.
Yes every time we see a deviation in the political scenario that throws light on the corrupted administration and related anti people activities, people look towards new opportunities and individuals who can rise up to their expectations. This is as normal as thinking of washing soiled clothes as you rightly put it.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
I am giving another link here since the older one seems not to be working...This one is since I checked it just now..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
I am giving another link here since the older one seems not to be working...This one is since I checked it just now..
Yes. This link has opened. The Lutyen's scam is certainly the mother of all scams. Though the IB and the President's office raised an alarm, the PM's office ;looked the other way. And in to these hands we gave ourselves with the hope these hands will protect us?
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