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11 years ago
I am giving another link here since the older one seems not to be working...This one is since I checked it just now..
Yes. This link has opened. The Lutyen's scam is certainly the mother of all scams. Though the IB and the President's office raised an alarm, the PM's office ;looked the other way. And in to these hands we gave ourselves with the hope these hands will protect us?
When a man goes on protest outside Rahul Gandhis house they go to the extent of hitting him ruthlessly and making him blind but the same people dont even care about the security of the President who is far more important to thye nation than the fake Gandhis ! Manmohan Singh had sold himself completely to the family and now has no moral courage to face anything so one can hardly hear or see him...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
.I am giving another link here since the older one seems not to be working...This one is since I checked it just now..
Yes. This link has opened. The Lutyen's scam is certainly the mother of all scams. Though the IB and the President's office raised an alarm, the PM's office ;looked the other way. And in to these hands we gave ourselves with the hope these hands will protect us?
When a man goes on protest outside Rahul Gandhis house they go to the extent of hitting him ruthlessly and making him blind but the same people dont even care about the security of the President who is far more important to thye nation than the fake Gandhis ! Manmohan Singh had sold himself completely to the family and now has no moral courage to face anything so one can hardly hear or see him...
ManMohan singh is the black page in the political history of India. My head bows down with shame .when I think he hails from a valiant community of India that laid down their lives for the sake of the country
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