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No doubt that uploading a picture is left to the discretion of an individual but when it is a matter of matrimony, one should be careful.A good looking girl may find many would be grooms responding to the profile based only on the looks and vice versa. I feel that photos should be exchanged only after the two parties find some common interests ...

I totally agree! I have heard of a few instances where the photos uploaded on such sites were not of the actual person.but of someone else put there to mislead the people who were reviewing the profile. Also I feel that it is better to first your views and expectations before asking to see the photograph, but that is my own personal opinion.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar
No doubt that uploading a picture is left to the discretion of an individual but when it is a matter of matrimony, one should be careful.A good looking girl may find many would be grooms responding to the profile based only on the looks and vice versa. I feel that photos should be exchanged only after the two parties find some common interests ...

I totally agree! I have heard of a few instances where the photos uploaded on such sites were not of the actual person.but of someone else put there to mislead the people who were reviewing the profile. Also I feel that it is better to first your views and expectations before asking to see the photograph, but that is my own personal opinion.

One can see that even in the matrimonial ads published in the newspapers - Grooms want fair,slim beautiful , cultured girl blah blah...honestly this fair fixation is here to stay with Indians and only for girls!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

No doubt that uploading a picture is left to the discretion of an individual but when it is a matter of matrimony, one should be careful.A good looking girl may find many would be grooms responding to the profile based only on the looks and vice versa. I feel that photos should be exchanged only after the two parties find some common interests ...

I totally agree! I have heard of a few instances where the photos uploaded on such sites were not of the actual person.but of someone else put there to mislead the people who were reviewing the profile. Also I feel that it is better to first your views and expectations before asking to see the photograph, but that is my own personal opinion.

One can see that even in the matrimonial ads published in the newspapers - Grooms want fair,slim beautiful , cultured girl blah blah...honestly this fair fixation is here to stay with Indians and only for girls!

Ha ha ha! Those matrimonial ads are really very funny and stupid, the grooms may be dark, ugly with huge pot bellies and yet they all want brides who are slim, fair and beautiful!!! It really only shows what sick and superficial attitude people still have! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

No doubt that uploading a picture is left to the discretion of an individual but when it is a matter of matrimony, one should be careful.A good looking girl may find many would be grooms responding to the profile based only on the looks and vice versa. I feel that photos should be exchanged only after the two parties find some common interests ...

I totally agree! I have heard of a few instances where the photos uploaded on such sites were not of the actual person.but of someone else put there to mislead the people who were reviewing the profile. Also I feel that it is better to first your views and expectations before asking to see the photograph, but that is my own personal opinion.

One can see that even in the matrimonial ads published in the newspapers - Grooms want fair,slim beautiful , cultured girl blah blah...honestly this fair fixation is here to stay with Indians and only for girls!

Ha ha ha! Those matrimonial ads are really very funny and stupid, the grooms may be dark, ugly with huge pot bellies and yet they all want brides who are slim, fair and beautiful!!! It really only shows what sick and superficial attitude people still have! :blink:

There are some really amusing incidents that happen with such fixations.One of our neighbors son is good looking and well educated and more than anything a very balanced and sensitive person.The parents went on looking for a girl for him concentrating on fair,slim etc...He kept rejecting all of them and finally met a very average looking girl at a wedding and really liked her and the parents were shocked.The mother showed me the photo and was telling me how can hr handsome son marry someone so ordinary? when I told her that he must have seen beyond looks she simply could not understand what could that be !....But the boy stood firm and now they are getting married next month, but the mother is not at all pleased..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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