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These people deserve severe punishment... Faces of them are clearly recognizable... there should not be any difficulty to catch and punish them..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
What happened to that case?
What's the most recent news? How many are caught?

Meera sandhu
What happened to that case?
What's the most recent news? How many are caught?

For news channels most of the cases are like One day match , they bombard a particular case one entire day and then forget about it... Media is mad really!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
What happened to that case?
What's the most recent news? How many are caught?

For news channels most of the cases are like One day match , they bombard a particular case one entire day and then forget about it... Media is mad really!!

It's really sad you know :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Actually media can do a lot. If they are able to bring such incidents to our attention, why can't they forward it???? :S :S :S :evil: :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
I also don't know.
I read in newspaper. So, can't confirm it.

I heard that they recorded the whole incident and put it on Utube but later on it was deleted.But on any of the news channel i did not see the face of the girl. :blink:
Now the reporter who covered the whole incident is being accused of motivating the molesters by union and state ministers. This is limit of shamelessness.

Sunil, yesterday evening there was a very interesting debate on ( The Buck Stops Here ) NDTV led by Barkha Dutt about the very same issue.The topic dealt with , how far can camera men actually help, on the one hand their professionalism takes over and they want to shoot the event and show it to the world and on the other hand they are not sure whether they are doing the right thing by not helping the victim..

In fact I remember that a British photographer who won the highest award for a picture of his - the subject of which was an African ( Sydanese ) child about to die of starvation and a vulture sitting nearby watching its prey ! The camera man apparently became guilt ridden and committed suicide after the back lash he received for not helping the child ..This is a very complicated issue !

I agree but, how else could he help? He even called police who arrived late and only in limited number and never tried to help the girl. How do you expect a single person to stop the whole mob. Had he not brought the pics in local channel- the story would be simply a no story.

Everything was Ok. But girl's face was not edited first and was shown in TV channels. It's not right :evil:

when was her face shown?? the videos that I watched, her face is not seen. :dry: :unsure:

No I never saw her face as it was never shown any where on any Chanel. She was mobbed with at least 35-40 people and not on her feet but in sitting position with face down. It was too dark.

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I also don't know.
I read in newspaper. So, can't confirm it.

I heard that they recorded the whole incident and put it on Utube but later on it was deleted.But on any of the news channel i did not see the face of the girl. :blink:

It may be true.
If so, it's really a mistake committed by the channel reporter. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
Now the reporter who covered the whole incident is being accused of motivating the molesters by union and state ministers. This is limit of shamelessness.

Sunil, yesterday evening there was a very interesting debate on ( The Buck Stops Here ) NDTV led by Barkha Dutt about the very same issue.The topic dealt with , how far can camera men actually help, on the one hand their professionalism takes over and they want to shoot the event and show it to the world and on the other hand they are not sure whether they are doing the right thing by not helping the victim..

In fact I remember that a British photographer who won the highest award for a picture of his - the subject of which was an African ( Sydanese ) child about to die of starvation and a vulture sitting nearby watching its prey ! The camera man apparently became guilt ridden and committed suicide after the back lash he received for not helping the child ..This is a very complicated issue !

I agree but, how else could he help? He even called police who arrived late and only in limited number and never tried to help the girl. How do you expect a single person to stop the whole mob. Had he not brought the pics in local channel- the story would be simply a no story.

Everything was Ok. But girl's face was not edited first and was shown in TV channels. It's not right :evil:

when was her face shown?? the videos that I watched, her face is not seen. :dry: :unsure:

No I never saw her face as it was never shown any where on any Chanel. She was mobbed with at least 35-40 people and not on her feet but in sitting position with face down. It was too dark.

Yes this incident happened at around 10 PM so naturally it was dark moreover they edited it on all TV channels. :blink: :blink:
I heard, that reporter was also arrested. Is it true????
Earlier, he resigned from his post. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
I also don't know.
I read in newspaper. So, can't confirm it.

I heard that they recorded the whole incident and put it on Utube but later on it was deleted.But on any of the news channel i did not see the face of the girl. :blink:

To save the guilty and to run away from responsibilities our ministers are ready to do every thing with out any shame whatsoever. The one who deserved awards is suffering at their hands. The one who discloses wrong is a bad guy.

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