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Public and media must keep pressure on the police so that the culprits cannot escape from punishment.

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Public and media must keep pressure on the police so that the culprits cannot escape from punishment.

Just saw that police have caught few people and from them others will be caught.

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Catching will be easy but punishing is the difficult for them.

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I just watched this news on TV and this was horrible to see around 20 boys molesting a girl openly. :evil: I was shocked to see it as it happened to be at 10 PM when we expect Police to be petrolling on the road :blink: .It looks by seeing the news like these boys have no fear in their mind they should be taught a lesson,they should pay the price for it.Punishment should be so rigorous that 100 more people learn from it. :blink:
I also saw in the Headlines Today new channel, the girl who was molested, said that she want justice.

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What's teh latest news?
Can anyone tell me?

Meera sandhu
Its also heartening to see that in Bangalore the assamese students and others who are there on work, went on a silent march condemning the whole incident ..Honestly, one cannot even describe the kind of disgust you feel for such human beings( animals)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Still now I can't find why, they didn't feel shy or fear to do so before the camera......

Meera sandhu
The most shocking and disgusting news is that the group of people were encouraged to do so by a TV reporter who had his camera ready to capture the images...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The most shocking and disgusting news is that the group of people were encouraged to do so by a TV reporter who had his camera ready to capture the images...

It is really a shame for Indian Men.
But we will see that they will be punished very badly. There will be no toleration.

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