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A man without qualification may perform well. This cannot lead us to conclude that qualificatiion is unnecessary and go to still more absurd position that unqualified is better than qualified. If it were so, we would better close down all educational and technological institutes hoping that the unqualified would perform better.

The success of all unqualified persons is entirely driven by qualified people. It is only that the unqualified have taken a risk and identified an opportunity and it has paid off. For this they are praise worthy and are rightly lauded. They also in turn recruit qualified people. The importance of qualifications should not be undermined to prop up a less qualified leader.

I agree. I wonder if Bill Gates would appoint in his firm an unqualified person. I also doubt whether Modi or smriti Irani will appoint anyone less qualified. I also wonder whether The new Union Government will advise UPSC to select officers not on basis of degrees or examination but evaluate the merits subjectively. who knows that a non graduate District Magistrate could be most proficient. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

No they will not, because they do not want their performance to go down. The politicians have a different law when it comes to themselves. In most services one has to serve a large number of years to become eligible for retirement pension but our representatives can get it only if they serve one term. It is time there should be a level playing field for all citizens in all walks of life.

You can look forward for what you wanted from the new Government.
For nearly 70 % their choice was some one else. Only 30% can look forward, rest have to grin and bear it.
For nearly 70 % their choice was some one else. Only 30% can look forward, rest have to grin and bear it.

Change cannot take place overnight. Who knows the figures may be tilted in due course.
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