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I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."

At such times, there are more rumors than news. Anyone can say anything and it either becomes news or becomes rumors, the possibility of the later being more. I too think people should avoid visiting temples during such period. How calmly can one take 'darshana' in such a huge crowd where there are hundreds of thousands of people.

Miscreants and anti social elements resort to such activities. This happens in some temples where there are always long serpentine queues. They spread the rumors suddenly that there is a snake in the queue line. In the chaos and confusion that follows, the miscreants occupy the forward places in the queue only to sell those places to the other waiting devotees.

I have heard of such things before. How shameful it is to act in this way just to get in the queue faster and earlier. There are many people in various places who resort to such inhumane things. :evil: :evil:

Now the latest news is that the CM of MP ordered for the suspension of the police in charge and other personnel related with the mishap.

That is a practice to divert the attention for the time being. No Government can do a thing when big gatherings do not follow rules or do not take self care. We gather in such a big number that is simply unmanageable. And why should government interfere in religious beliefs of any one? If they did chose to go to harm's way on their own, it's their choice.

In Tirupati everyday people more than the Ratangarh incident stand in queue. But no mishaps. Why ? Its the TTD and endowments ministry of AP's collective efforts. So its a wrong belief that no government can control the crowds. With a good coordination between the governments and the NDRF groups yesterday we controlled the fury of nature, What is a small thing like crowd controlling ? Where there is will there is a way.

But why should government interfere with religious matter in a secular country?

Government does not interfere with religious matters as such. But religious functions have also administrative issues and law and order problems. Govt. needs to provide security and civic amenities even at those places. But govt. have no role in actual performance of rituals.

Yes. I agree with you. Where is the question of government's interference in religion. ? I didn't see any interference here. It's the duty of the administration to check of the safety measures are adequate or not. If not, it's a clear dereliction of duty. Owing to this reason, the collector and the SP of that area were suspended.

In that case, we shall have to accept that the government is right when they enter into religious places to flush terrorists out. Why double standards then? Why is it taken for interference, in place of government's duty to safeguard citizen's right? Why is then army blamed for atrocities when they were only trying to save innocent citizens from wrong doers?

Entering sanctum sanctorum with a purpose and supervising the security arrangements are not the same. Even entering sanctum sanctorum was allowed in Tirupati as there was a fire long ago. If police or military enter the temple to flush out the terrorists it was considered as sacrilege by fundamentalists not by general public which can simply be dismissed. In the present case not interfering by the police was considered as a crime. If not, why do you think the collector and the SP were suspended.
I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."

At such times, there are more rumors than news. Anyone can say anything and it either becomes news or becomes rumors, the possibility of the later being more. I too think people should avoid visiting temples during such period. How calmly can one take 'darshana' in such a huge crowd where there are hundreds of thousands of people.

Miscreants and anti social elements resort to such activities. This happens in some temples where there are always long serpentine queues. They spread the rumors suddenly that there is a snake in the queue line. In the chaos and confusion that follows, the miscreants occupy the forward places in the queue only to sell those places to the other waiting devotees.

I have heard of such things before. How shameful it is to act in this way just to get in the queue faster and earlier. There are many people in various places who resort to such inhumane things. :evil: :evil:

Now the latest news is that the CM of MP ordered for the suspension of the police in charge and other personnel related with the mishap.

That is a practice to divert the attention for the time being. No Government can do a thing when big gatherings do not follow rules or do not take self care. We gather in such a big number that is simply unmanageable. And why should government interfere in religious beliefs of any one? If they did chose to go to harm's way on their own, it's their choice.

In Tirupati everyday people more than the Ratangarh incident stand in queue. But no mishaps. Why ? Its the TTD and endowments ministry of AP's collective efforts. So its a wrong belief that no government can control the crowds. With a good coordination between the governments and the NDRF groups yesterday we controlled the fury of nature, What is a small thing like crowd controlling ? Where there is will there is a way.

But why should government interfere with religious matter in a secular country?

Government does not interfere with religious matters as such. But religious functions have also administrative issues and law and order problems. Govt. needs to provide security and civic amenities even at those places. But govt. have no role in actual performance of rituals.

Yes. I agree with you. Where is the question of government's interference in religion. ? I didn't see any interference here. It's the duty of the administration to check of the safety measures are adequate or not. If not, it's a clear dereliction of duty. Owing to this reason, the collector and the SP of that area were suspended.

In that case, we shall have to accept that the government is right when they enter into religious places to flush terrorists out. Why double standards then? Why is it taken for interference, in place of government's duty to safeguard citizen's right? Why is then army blamed for atrocities when they were only trying to save innocent citizens from wrong doers?

Entering sanctum sanctorum with a purpose and supervising the security arrangements are not the same. Even entering sanctum sanctorum was allowed in Tirupati as there was a fire long ago. If police or military enter the temple to flush out the terrorists it was considered as sacrilege by fundamentalists not by general public which can simply be dismissed. In the present case not interfering by the police was considered as a crime. If not, why do you think the collector and the SP were suspended.

Come on bigbro, the world is spread far beyond Tirupati, we have so many places in our country as well where lots of action is going on in religious places.

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I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."

At such times, there are more rumors than news. Anyone can say anything and it either becomes news or becomes rumors, the possibility of the later being more. I too think people should avoid visiting temples during such period. How calmly can one take 'darshana' in such a huge crowd where there are hundreds of thousands of people.

Miscreants and anti social elements resort to such activities. This happens in some temples where there are always long serpentine queues. They spread the rumors suddenly that there is a snake in the queue line. In the chaos and confusion that follows, the miscreants occupy the forward places in the queue only to sell those places to the other waiting devotees.

I have heard of such things before. How shameful it is to act in this way just to get in the queue faster and earlier. There are many people in various places who resort to such inhumane things. :evil: :evil:

Now the latest news is that the CM of MP ordered for the suspension of the police in charge and other personnel related with the mishap.

That is a practice to divert the attention for the time being. No Government can do a thing when big gatherings do not follow rules or do not take self care. We gather in such a big number that is simply unmanageable. And why should government interfere in religious beliefs of any one? If they did chose to go to harm's way on their own, it's their choice.

In Tirupati everyday people more than the Ratangarh incident stand in queue. But no mishaps. Why ? Its the TTD and endowments ministry of AP's collective efforts. So its a wrong belief that no government can control the crowds. With a good coordination between the governments and the NDRF groups yesterday we controlled the fury of nature, What is a small thing like crowd controlling ? Where there is will there is a way.

But why should government interfere with religious matter in a secular country?

Government does not interfere with religious matters as such. But religious functions have also administrative issues and law and order problems. Govt. needs to provide security and civic amenities even at those places. But govt. have no role in actual performance of rituals.

Yes. I agree with you. Where is the question of government's interference in religion. ? I didn't see any interference here. It's the duty of the administration to check of the safety measures are adequate or not. If not, it's a clear dereliction of duty. Owing to this reason, the collector and the SP of that area were suspended.

In that case, we shall have to accept that the government is right when they enter into religious places to flush terrorists out. Why double standards then? Why is it taken for interference, in place of government's duty to safeguard citizen's right? Why is then army blamed for atrocities when they were only trying to save innocent citizens from wrong doers?

Entering sanctum sanctorum with a purpose and supervising the security arrangements are not the same. Even entering sanctum sanctorum was allowed in Tirupati as there was a fire long ago. If police or military enter the temple to flush out the terrorists it was considered as sacrilege by fundamentalists not by general public which can simply be dismissed. In the present case not interfering by the police was considered as a crime. If not, why do you think the collector and the SP were suspended.

Come on bigbro, the world is spread far beyond Tirupati, we have so many places in our country as well where lots of action is going on in religious places.

Yes i know. There is much big world beyond North India. I also know that lots of action is going in this part of India also. Whenever such actions take place, people in this part of the world become dumb, wondering how such actions can take place.
This is why I used to visit temple during not rush hours and avoid during festive days, as in the case of mob you will never know what will happen with a slight rumor.

I never go to a religious place. My religious beliefs and thoughts are kept in the deep core of my Heart.
I never go to a religious place. My religious beliefs and thoughts are kept in the deep core of my Heart.
Absolutely, renowned Odia poet and freedom fighter Pandit Gopabandhu said in his famous poem "Dura deballaye jiba nahin prayojana, nija abhyantarenna dekha phedhinna nayan" which mean one should not reach to distant temples for worshipping, one should look beyond and see his heart with deep concentration to find Lord in one's home.

I never go to a religious place. My religious beliefs and thoughts are kept in the deep core of my Heart.
Absolutely, renowned Odia poet and freedom fighter Pandit Gopabandhu said in his famous poem "Dura deballaye jiba nahin prayojana, nija abhyantarenna dekha phedhinna nayan" which mean one should not reach to distant temples for worshipping, one should look beyond and see his heart with deep concentration to find Lord in one's home.

Having stayed in Odisha for a long time, I was fortunate to get acquainted with the immortal works of of Pandit Gopabandhu. In fact what I said was just a reflection of this great man's thoughts.
Thank you said by: mohan manohar
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