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It has now become so common in our country. I don't understand why devotees do not use their common sense to take proper precautionary measures when they visit so crowded temples or other places where gathering is so big. :huh:

At places such as there where the numbers of people go out of control, it is better to avoid going such places when there is bound to be large crowds because no matter what precaution people may take individually, they are of no use when a stampede starts. So better not go join such mobs!

A good suggestion. It is better to visit temples in normal days when there is not gathering for special occasion.

Yes, as it is we all keep harping about how God is everywhere so why crowd such temples on only specific days and at specific places putting severe strain on limited facilities present there?

I went to our local temple on Ayuda Pooja day and had to return without going in because the crowds were so enormous. I felt that it is better to go at a later day rather get jostled around and pushed around...I find people quite badly behaved too when there is crowd , they dont believe in giving personal space to others which is unique to our country alone, you dont see such behavior anywhere else in the world..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.
I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."
I was sad to know of the accident at Ratnagarh temple in MP.
Whatever may be the reason of the stampede, overcrowded places are prone to such sad accidents. The temples, where there are bridges to cross or steps to climb up and down or narrow doors to pass are more at risk of stampede. The temple authorities or whoever manages such pujas should preconceive unpleasant incidents and take extra precautionary measures to avoid them.
I was sad to know of the accident at Ratnagarh temple in MP.
Whatever may be the reason of the stampede, overcrowded places are prone to such sad accidents. The temples, where there are bridges to cross or steps to climb up and down or narrow doors to pass are more at risk of stampede. The temple authorities or whoever manages such pujas should preconceive unpleasant incidents and take extra precautionary measures to avoid them.

That " Who cares attitude" of the temple administrators is the cause behind this sad incident. And fault lies with the devotees also.Everyone wants to stay ahead of the other. In this process, they ignore the inconvenience caused to others. Above all the devotees brush aside the risk of their own lives and others.
I was sad to know of the accident at Ratnagarh temple in MP.
Whatever may be the reason of the stampede, overcrowded places are prone to such sad accidents. The temples, where there are bridges to cross or steps to climb up and down or narrow doors to pass are more at risk of stampede. The temple authorities or whoever manages such pujas should preconceive unpleasant incidents and take extra precautionary measures to avoid them.

That " Who cares attitude" of the temple administrators is the cause behind this sad incident. And fault lies with the devotees also.Everyone wants to stay ahead of the other. In this process, they ignore the inconvenience caused to others. Above all the devotees brush aside the risk of their own lives and others.
In the rush hours prominent part of administration is to open multiple exist points, stampede comes when there is one exist point, for this administrators should see multiple exist points and also trespassers should be stopped immediately.

I was sad to know of the accident at Ratnagarh temple in MP.
Whatever may be the reason of the stampede, overcrowded places are prone to such sad accidents. The temples, where there are bridges to cross or steps to climb up and down or narrow doors to pass are more at risk of stampede. The temple authorities or whoever manages such pujas should preconceive unpleasant incidents and take extra precautionary measures to avoid them.

That " Who cares attitude" of the temple administrators is the cause behind this sad incident. And fault lies with the devotees also.Everyone wants to stay ahead of the other. In this process, they ignore the inconvenience caused to others. Above all the devotees brush aside the risk of their own lives and others.
In the rush hours prominent part of administration is to open multiple exist points, stampede comes when there is one exist point, for this administrators should see multiple exist points and also trespassers should be stopped immediately.

Seeing the nature of the incident,one can understand the administration was nowhere near the spot. Additionally, the incident took place on a bridge which has one entry point and one exit point. Many died because the devotees fallen in the river out of panick.
I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."

At such times, there are more rumors than news. Anyone can say anything and it either becomes news or becomes rumors, the possibility of the later being more. I too think people should avoid visiting temples during such period. How calmly can one take 'darshana' in such a huge crowd where there are hundreds of thousands of people.
I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."

At such times, there are more rumors than news. Anyone can say anything and it either becomes news or becomes rumors, the possibility of the later being more. I too think people should avoid visiting temples during such period. How calmly can one take 'darshana' in such a huge crowd where there are hundreds of thousands of people.

Miscreants and anti social elements resort to such activities. This happens in some temples where there are always long serpentine queues. They spread the rumors suddenly that there is a snake in the queue line. In the chaos and confusion that follows, the miscreants occupy the forward places in the queue only to sell those places to the other waiting devotees.
I just read the details of the news in the paper and saw that some boys had done a thing on purpose - to shout that the bridge was collpasing. They did this so that they could reach the temple faster. When I heard that there was a rumor about the bridge breaking down I thought that this was a cruel play by someone and then read about the boys.

There are other rumors afloat, that the police resorted to lathi charge and due to this the stampede took place. Anyhow, one should not visit a temple, where there are inadequate facilities. Better either postpone or avoid. after all " Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai."

At such times, there are more rumors than news. Anyone can say anything and it either becomes news or becomes rumors, the possibility of the later being more. I too think people should avoid visiting temples during such period. How calmly can one take 'darshana' in such a huge crowd where there are hundreds of thousands of people.

Miscreants and anti social elements resort to such activities. This happens in some temples where there are always long serpentine queues. They spread the rumors suddenly that there is a snake in the queue line. In the chaos and confusion that follows, the miscreants occupy the forward places in the queue only to sell those places to the other waiting devotees.

I have heard of such things before. How shameful it is to act in this way just to get in the queue faster and earlier. There are many people in various places who resort to such inhumane things. :evil: :evil:
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