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Friends one more factor lies behind the evaluation of value of a person's life. If the person is the only source of income of the family and whole family is dependent on him, no government or insurance company can estimate the value of his life. It is the family members who knows the value. It is more than the compensation paid to them. Reason behind death comes after this.

Nobody may compensate the sentimental values in even of death. But government can compensate only in cash. As regards normal death for which life insurance policy is taken, an individual himself evaluate himself and pays premium accordingly.

But the issue is only about accidental deaths in train accident/ road mishaps where compensation is decided by government. .Compensation should be uniformly fixed for death in similar cases. There is no point in paying poor less and the rich more when cause of death is same.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes human life are not measure by some amount of money.Just ask from family member what they lost............
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