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12 years ago
I think, in the case of our kids, more than respect, appreciation is the apt word. When we are appreciating them for their good qualities or deeds, they feel good. By this way, they give both love and respect to us. But instead, if we always try to blame or scold them, it's sure, parents will loss their respect. So, I think in this case.....I may give 0% respect to my kids.....and so, that 100% purely belong to love and affection only.
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I think today lot of person are professional and they love to family to get respect I think people should respect without any expectation.
Santosh Kumar Singh
12 years ago
I think today lot of person are professional and they love to family to get respect I think people should respect without any expectation.
Yes, in professional era, people are showing more respect to their customers. But showing less respect to family members :evil:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I think today lot of person are professional and they love to family to get respect I think people should respect without any expectation.
I agree. But inner feelings are genuine. when you express your feelings- real or fake, this is for purpose.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Both are different in its place.Both are essential to keep a relation strong.I cannot give any percentage to it.Respect is necessary for a strong relation.And beside this love is also needed to keep a sweet relation.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
Yes, People love their families without any expectation.
Mother and father loves their children without any expectations.there is no any percentage of love.
Kids love there parents without any expectations.
Mother and father loves their children without any expectations.there is no any percentage of love.
Kids love there parents without any expectations.
Be positive
12 years ago
For every relation to grow, it needs respect too.
It's something like give and take policy. If we are not able to respect the other person, how can we expect them to respect us in return???
It's something like give and take policy. If we are not able to respect the other person, how can we expect them to respect us in return???
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Why donot we divide 50 - 50 for love and respect even both can be together. For eg: i respect and love my parents.
12 years ago
80 Percentage for love and 20 percentage only for respect I divide. In relationship more love is needed than respect. ;) ;) ;)
12 years ago
In any relation, first respect should be given and then love should be there, if there is no respect then the love cannot with stand. and main thing is mutual understanding is the main for any relation
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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