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Even if some one goes to local vegetable shop with two hundred rupees the chances are that he would not get enough vegetables for a week for a family of 2.

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Rs 200 per month is nothing. This money is nothing enough for a person. Nowadays If we go to a doctor and take medicine they need atleast 500 rs. So, government should think about old senior persons and they need to increase the pension amount.

In fact this is nothing but attention catching propaganda by the powers that be, they do not know any ground realities. They would not pay those 200/ to any needy one. That would all go down the drain.

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Pension should be paid to actual needy person only.There are many scheme in our country for poor.Like BPL etc. But many poor do not get the facility.There is no actual monitoring also.
It's thoroughly insulting to our senior citizens who deserve a much better deal at sunset of life!
Our lawmakers are not bothered about others as long as they have powers to increase their own pension according to their own liking despite doing almost nothing to earn it.

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It's thoroughly insulting to our senior citizens who deserve a much better deal at sunset of life!

The unemployment benefit has been fixed at Rs. 1,000/- in U.P. Fixing old age pension much below this level is really very disgusting and insulting. Jai Ram Ramesh deserves appreciation for highlighting the issue.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

People in power should bring these things in existence, just hi lighting them won't do any good to the needy ones.

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People in power should bring these things in existence, just hi lighting them won't do any good to the needy ones.

In fact, nobody has absolute power. Jai Ram Ramesh is a minister but he cannot get whatever he wants. So, it is good that he has highlighted the issue of old age pension for more public debate and action by government.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with you but up to an extent, how come they propose and pass any bill in jiffy while this is in their own interest. have you noticed how fast they do it while increasing their own emoluments.

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