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12 years ago
Too many shares for doing nothing but pasting quotes is too much, there should be a limit for every thing. There are many other features which need to be looked upon. I can see them being misused.
I agree, most of us take part in forums and other activities to get points and end up getting at the most 2000+ points a week and just by clicking articles one can gather 4000 plus points and walk away with revenue share as well...we too could have done that , but dint !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
I see some members accumulating a few thousand points and reaching the top of leader board on a weekly basis without participating in forums, is it only on the strength of clicking on articles or answering questions ? or is there any other way they could do that ?
Because for me it is a struggle to get even 500 points or more every week, so I wonder if there is anything that I am not aware of...
I was always curious to know how "Vedavyas" - the current topper for the week got so many points. I am stuck to the site with such forum activities and somehow managed to reach only 400 points. I was going to start a discussion about this. But I stumbled upon this one.
12 years ago
I see some members accumulating a few thousand points and reaching the top of leader board on a weekly basis without participating in forums, is it only on the strength of clicking on articles or answering questions ? or is there any other way they could do that ?
Because for me it is a struggle to get even 500 points or more every week, so I wonder if there is anything that I am not aware of...
I was always curious to know how "Vedavyas" - the current topper for the week got so many points. I am stuck to the site with such forum activities and somehow managed to reach only 400 points. I was going to start a discussion about this. But I stumbled upon this one.
That is something I am curious about too, only the admin would be able to find out how this Vedvyas is accumulating so many points in a matter of days!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
I see some members accumulating a few thousand points and reaching the top of leader board on a weekly basis without participating in forums, is it only on the strength of clicking on articles or answering questions ? or is there any other way they could do that ?
Because for me it is a struggle to get even 500 points or more every week, so I wonder if there is anything that I am not aware of...
I was always curious to know how "Vedavyas" - the current topper for the week got so many points. I am stuck to the site with such forum activities and somehow managed to reach only 400 points. I was going to start a discussion about this. But I stumbled upon this one.
Let me tell you. There are two parts in "QUOTES".
After pasting the Quote, there is a column, "A brief explanation of the quote". here the toppers of Quotes are simply pasting the author of the quote,This makes them post 60 posts in 60 minutes. Thats why you see 4000 points in a single day
Suppose if the administration insists them to write a brief intro to the quote, see how the points drastically fall down.
12 years ago
So this is being noticed by many members ....But I am amazed how one can even hope to get 4000 odd points in one week? :ohmy:
I mean other than bonus points to me it seems like a herculean task...
3000+ points is possible in one week through active participation in forum....10 hours a day.
But 4000+ is surely a herculean task.
That's too much a work - 10 hours. That will be too exhausting leaving little or no time for other work. I mean it will be very very draining indeed.
12 years ago
Too many shares for doing nothing but pasting quotes is too much, there should be a limit for every thing. There are many other features which need to be looked upon. I can see them being misused.[/quote
I agree with you. Give maximum points where creativity comes in to fore. Member's creativity should be duly rewarded
12 years ago
Request Maverick to check as Fazelath has copied the same quote on Ist and IInd page appearing in quote section at present.
12 years ago
That was happened because of the quotes section but that is not against the site rules so it is not the mistake of a user to blame. Anyway the points are reduced to 1 to get rid of such things happen again.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
12 years ago
So this is being noticed by many members ....But I am amazed how one can even hope to get 4000 odd points in one week? :ohmy:
I mean other than bonus points to me it seems like a herculean task...
3000+ points is possible in one week through active participation in forum....10 hours a day.
But 4000+ is surely a herculean task.
That's too much a work - 10 hours. That will be too exhausting leaving little or no time for other work. I mean it will be very very draining indeed.
I have done it a lot before starting article writing here.....I have started more than 700 topics here within 6 months. :P But now am concentrating on articles than forum :cheer:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
So this is being noticed by many members ....But I am amazed how one can even hope to get 4000 odd points in one week? :ohmy:
I mean other than bonus points to me it seems like a herculean task...
3000+ points is possible in one week through active participation in forum....10 hours a day.
But 4000+ is surely a herculean task.
That's too much a work - 10 hours. That will be too exhausting leaving little or no time for other work. I mean it will be very very draining indeed.
I have done it a lot before starting article writing here.....I have started more than 700 topics here within 6 months. :P But now am concentrating on articles than forum :cheer:
More than 700? That's indeed a huge number. I think you might seriously be working for 10 hours then. hahahaha :lol: I too am doing the same thing. I have more forum activities than articles.
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