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13 years ago
I agree with you all that twins and siblings do look similar...
My school friends were also twins but were of opposite gender...they look quiet similar..
I use to get confused between my grandmother and mother while I was child...
But I want to know about people with similar face without any blood relation or not being twins????
Yes, Rajani, it is true that every person in this world has at least two other people that are identical to him or her, not including siblings, twins etc.
All my life, I had had strangers walking up to me and asking me about some or the other guy or girl that I knew, which of course, I didn't. So I may have at least two or three other ladies who look exactly like me! :laugh:
I am not joking, this is true!! :)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
13 years ago
I agree with you all that twins and siblings do look similar...
My school friends were also twins but were of opposite gender...they look quiet similar..
I use to get confused between my grandmother and mother while I was child...
But I want to know about people with similar face without any blood relation or not being twins????
Yes, Rajani, it is true that every person in this world has at least two other people that are identical to him or her, not including siblings, twins etc.
All my life, I had had strangers walking up to me and asking me about some or the other guy or girl that I knew, which of course, I didn't. So I may have at least two or three other ladies who look exactly like me! :laugh:
I am not joking, this is true!! :)
only experienced people can say so :) :) :)
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
It's said....not one...but 7 similar faces...
But I don't think so.
But let me tell you something...
All Chinese look similar, all Japaneese look similar, all negros look similar....ha ha
Do you think that all people from South India also look similar????
Anyway, I have also heard that for every individual, there exist another 7 people with similar face. I think they are called our 'doppelganger'. Though I am yet to meet anyone resembling me, I have often been mistaken for someone else.
13 years ago
I also seen some one like that and my friend said she have seen the girl like me. Her name is vidhya
Is this true:
Similar faces exist in this world..If so have you ever see it...
13 years ago
It's said....not one...but 7 similar faces...
But I don't think so.
But let me tell you something...
All Chinese look similar, all Japaneese look similar, all negros look similar....ha ha
Do you think that all people from South India also look similar????
Anyway, I have also heard that for every individual, there exist another 7 people with similar face. I think they are called our 'doppelganger'. Though I am yet to meet anyone resembling me, I have often been mistaken for someone else.
when I was about twenty years old, many told me that I exactly resembled another person. However, I never met that person. One of my friends came across another woman who exactly looked like his wife. As they were alone, he kissed her. She slapped him angrily asking him whether he was crazy. He knew the real fact the hard way.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
It's said....not one...but 7 similar faces...
But I don't think so.
But let me tell you something...
All Chinese look similar, all Japaneese look similar, all negros look similar....ha ha
Do you think that all people from South India also look similar????
Anyway, I have also heard that for every individual, there exist another 7 people with similar face. I think they are called our 'doppelganger'. Though I am yet to meet anyone resembling me, I have often been mistaken for someone else.
Yes, it seems like most of us have a doppelganger! I too have experienced it on multiple occasions!!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
13 years ago
It's said....not one...but 7 similar faces...
But I don't think so.
But let me tell you something...
All Chinese look similar, all Japaneese look similar, all negros look similar....ha ha
That is true. When we see any group of chinese people it is very tough to find the difference between them . :) :)
13 years ago
I haven't seen my photocopy yet. But my cousins say, a VJ of a Malayalam channel resembles me a lot.
My brother says, previous manager of an SBI branch in TVM resembles my hubby a lot...even the way of walk and talk, even if face doesn't resemble much.
Years before...an actress named Monisha died in a car accident at the age of 21. She still holds the record of the youngest actress to win best actress National award. 1-2 years later, an actress resembling her very much came into films. her name is Chippi. She got a lot of benefits also.
Same is the case of actress Ramba after the death of Divya Bharathi. isn't it?
My brother says, previous manager of an SBI branch in TVM resembles my hubby a lot...even the way of walk and talk, even if face doesn't resemble much.
Years before...an actress named Monisha died in a car accident at the age of 21. She still holds the record of the youngest actress to win best actress National award. 1-2 years later, an actress resembling her very much came into films. her name is Chippi. She got a lot of benefits also.
Same is the case of actress Ramba after the death of Divya Bharathi. isn't it?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I agree with you all that twins and siblings do look similar...
My school friends were also twins but were of opposite gender...they look quiet similar..
I use to get confused between my grandmother and mother while I was child...
But I want to know about people with similar face without any blood relation or not being twins????
Some twiins are not similar because they are unidentical twins.
13 years ago
Some twins look like similar but not identical. we can differentiate them.
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